Hi! I´m quite desperate after searching for a solution day after day. Maybe you could help me. I´m afraid the solution is much too obvious..
Setup: Jenkins ver. 1.418 Maven 3 Game Plugin for Jenkins activated for certain jobs 1.18 maven-checkstyle-plugin:2.8 findbugs-maven-plugin:2.3.2 Build Job: clean install checkstyle:checkstyle findbugs:findbugs Result: Leader board & Score Card working CI Game running after build Success count: +1 Fail count: -10 No points for checkstyle, tests, findbugs.. etc. All results (checkstyle, findbugs, tests) displayed in Jenkins frontend / graph Console "... [ci-game] evaluating rule: Build result [ci-game] scored: 1.0 [ci-game] evaluating rule: Increased number of failed tests [ci-game] evaluating rule: Increased number of passed tests [ci-game] evaluating rule: Decreased number of failed tests [ci-game] evaluating rule: Decreased number of passed tests [ci-game] evaluating rule: Open HIGH priority tasks [ci-game] evaluating rule: Open NORMAL priority tasks [ci-game] evaluating rule: Open LOW priority tasks [ci-game] evaluating rule: HIGH priority PMD warnings [ci-game] evaluating rule: NORMAL priority PMD warnings [ci-game] evaluating rule: LOW priority PMD warnings [ci-game] evaluating rule: New HIGH priority Findbugs warnings [ci-game] evaluating rule: New NORMAL priority Findbugs warnings [ci-game] evaluating rule: New LOW priority Findbugs warnings [ci-game] evaluating rule: Fixed HIGH priority Findbugs warnings [ci-game] evaluating rule: Fixed NORMAL priority Findbugs warnings [ci-game] evaluating rule: Fixed LOW priority Findbugs warnings [ci-game] evaluating rule: Changed number of checkstyle warnings ..." Questions Before migrating to Maven the Ant build collected points correctly. Should Findbugs / Tests / Checkstyle rules work on installation? Or are more stettings in jenkins / maven required? Do I need to do any changes in the pom.xml? Which exactly? Do I need the javanet-uploader/an other dependency in the findbugs / checkstyle maven plugin definition? Do I need the javanet-uploader/an other dependency in my project dependencies? Are settings in jenkins missing? I can just activate or deactivate the game for the single job. Many many thanks for your reply & help. Anja