Nahian-Al Hasan created SOLR-15615:

             Summary: SolrCloud MLT does not work with Time Routed Alias (TRA)
                 Key: SOLR-15615
             Project: Solr
          Issue Type: Bug
      Security Level: Public (Default Security Level. Issues are Public)
          Components: MoreLikeThis, SolrCloud
    Affects Versions: 8.8.2
         Environment: SolrCloud version: 8.8.2
            Reporter: Nahian-Al Hasan

Only the MLT Query Parser works in SolrCloud, otherwise the results returned 
are indeterministic (depends on which local shard is hit). However, even with 
the QueryParser, MLT throws errors when querying on an Alias. For instance, I 
have a unique document like so in a Time Routed Alias:
If the MLT Query Parser request with that id, the following error is thrown:
      "q":"{!mlt qf=name mintf=2 mindf=3}Bm5bN3KvVitKw5bCcWWCq",
    "msg":"Error completing MLT request. Could not fetch document with id 

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