
Chris M. Hostetter commented on SOLR-15614:

I should point out: we know that this is happening with dependencies in the 
{{libExt}} configuration of the {{server}} module ... it's possible there are 
other configurations equally affected?

I tried to see if i could parse out the output of {{./gradlew dependencies}} to 
genera a list of what was missing - but realized this problem evidently effects 
it as well (which makes sense since i'm guessing it's the same gradle plugin 
under the covers)...
# note that patch from SOLR-15610 is applied when i run this...

hossman@slate:~/lucene/solr [j11] [*main] $ grep log4j-layout-template-json 
solr/server/build.gradle && ./gradlew dependencies | grep 
log4j-layout-template-json | wc -l
  libExt 'org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-layout-template-json'
...but evidently a few things _are_ listed in {{./gradlew dependencies}} which 
do *NOT* show up in {{versions.lock}} (assuming i didn't make a silly scripting 
mistake) ...
hossman@slate:~/lucene/solr [j11] [*main] $ ./gradlew dependencies > 
hossman@slate:~/lucene/solr [j11] [*main] $ diff <(perl -nle 'print $1 if 
m<^([^: ]+:[^: ]+)>' versions.lock | sort -u) <(perl -nle 'print $1 if m<([^: 
]+:[^: ]+)>' /tmp/deps.txt | sort -u | grep -E -v '(solr|buildSrc):')
> commons-lang:commons-lang
> net.java.dev.javacc:javacc
> org.apache.rat:apache-rat
> org.apache.rat:apache-rat-core
> org.apache.rat:apache-rat-tasks
> org.eclipse.jdt:ecj
...it seems like some of those _may_ be problematic from a reproducible build 

> versions.lock is not including all jars in all configurations - ex: 
> server.libExt
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: SOLR-15614
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-15614
>             Project: Solr
>          Issue Type: Task
>      Security Level: Public(Default Security Level. Issues are Public) 
>            Reporter: Chris M. Hostetter
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: gradle
> Found while working on SOLR-15610: There are (at least one) gradle 
> "configurations" in our build system that depend on jars which are overlooked 
> by the {{versions.lock}} logic provided by gradle's palantir plugin 
> validation logic.
> We should either simplify the configurations to work better with palantir, or 
> find some way to force palantir to consider all configurations...
> {quote}I'm not sure. Looks like this configuration is not included in what 
> palantir's plugin considers for resolution?
> [https://github.com/palantir/gradle-consistent-versions#versionslock-compact-representation-of-your-prod-classpath]
> "The lockfile sources production dependencies from the compileClasspath and 
> runtimeClasspath configurations, and test dependencies from the 
> compile/runtime classpaths of any source set that ends in test (e.g. test, 
> integrationTest, eteTest)."
> But then it says that the constraints are applied to all configurations 
> (that's why it works, I guess):
>  "By default, this plugin will apply the constraints from versions.props to 
> all configurations."
> ...
> Part of the problem is definitely that libExt is not part of the project's 
> Java's classpath. This was done on purpose - libExt collects JARs that 
> shouldn't be visible on classpath by default but are part of the server. I 
> think this could be cleaned up and be moved to runtimeOnly configuration... 
> but I'm not sure what consequences this will have since this is really a bit 
> convoluted part of the build (trying to simulate what ant did).
> {quote}

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