Several times when reading this book, I thought of my sister and I. We are
   both jeans-and-tshirt kind of girls, uncomfortable in dresses and makeup.
   She has worn her hair short (especially when she was younger, she's 16
   now) and taken a lot of crap for it. When at my wedding this last May, we
   were both told "see how pretty you can be if you put a little effort into
   it", "you should dress up like this and wear makeup more often", "see how
   good you look, wow". Do these people realise that there is NOTHING more
   damaging to your self esteem, or no better way to tell you in your regular
   clothes, you're ugly??

Yeah, I used to get this a lot... people telling me that I looked good at like, the 
prom - when I had clothes I hated! When I was in my regular clothes they'd tell me 
that they'd want to give me a makeover.
My new friends, however, do tell me once in a while that I'm beautiful, which really 
affects my mood a lot... and I feel beautiful, and I'm more inclined to try new styles 
of clothes. I changed my hairstyle for the first time in a decade a week ago!
Sunnanvind (I'm a beautiful creature... sorry.)

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