>I have an oppty in the Chicago area that has you put $2500 up front for
>training, and you receive a letter of employment guarantee, once you get
>your certification, and after a year of employment your money is refunded.
>What does anyone think of this?
This sounds like a scam.
A friend of mine got into something like this and what happens is that they
do train you, usually for something very specific to them and not
recognized by anyone else. You are then beholden to the company for X
amount of money they choose to say their course was worth, and must work
for them for Y amount of time or pay them X for the course. Usually X is
*way* above what's reasonable to charge for such a course, especially since
the course is not a standard certification.
I've heard this is a common routine and you usually end up forced to work
in a very bad environment because they know you can't leave for at least a
year. My friend only managed to break the contract for medical reasons.
Now, of course, it *could* be a good, normal company simply willing to
train employees. That's certainly not unheard of in the current job
market. But I'd be very very careful to get all the information you can
before signing any contract. Go visit the company and talk to people who
work there, and find out about the certification and call up headhunters
and other companies HR depts to ask if they've heard of it and would
recognize it as having any value.
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