I hadn't heard about all this until I got this announcement today on my
local webgrrls list. The gist of the announcement is that my local chapter
is splitting off from webgrrls and joining DigitalEve because Webgrrls as
(a) got a male head honcho now and (b) is forcing chapters to charge
membership fees and send them to a head office in New York. It sounds like
webgrrls is going to become for-profit.
Now, I've gotta agree that we should split off. Although I'm sure a male
head could work out well (although it's perhaps not a very wise choice...
sorta like having a Buddhist heading up a Christian youth club), but the
whole for-profit thing goes pretty much counter the way our chapter is run.
We seem to have a decent number of people who probably couldn't afford or
wouldn't pay a membership fee, but benefit greatly from being on the mailing
list and attending the seminars which are interesting to them.
So... I'm curious. There must be other people here who are also on webgrrls
lists or affected by the changes -- How are your local chapters handling
things and how do you feel about it? (Does anyone know more about this guy
who's been moved in?)
Also, is anyone here involved with DigitalEve?
>X-Authentication-Warning: ins-slinky.thetoybox.org: nobody set sender to
>Subject: [Webgrrls-Dis] Import. Announcement re: Webgrrls
>From: "D Dewar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 10:51:48 -0400
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2910.0)
>Importance: Normal
>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4133.2400
>Reply-To: "D Dewar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Resent-Date: Thu, 12 Oct 11:39:13 2000 -0400
>Over the past year and a half, the Ottawa Webgrrls Steering Committee has
>grappled with a number of issues around our identity. These include our
>relationship with Webgrrls International, our mandate and the things that
>consider to be paramount to an organization for women in technology.
>We’ve been concerned about recent changes in the Webgrrls International
>leadership. Some of these included the esignation of the International
>Chapter Leader and her replacement being a man, the pressure from head
>office to charge membership fees, and the requirement that these fees be
>sent to New York, also for them to administer our funds.
>The Canadian chapters, as a group, took some initial steps to ensure our
>values remained unchanged, such as ncorporating as a not-for-profit
>organization and adding "Women on the Web" to our name, to ensure that we
>were an inclusive organization for women of all ages who work in or have an
>interest in new media and information technology. The Steering Committee
>has been proud to speak as a voice for the community and it is in this
>capacity that we send this message to all our members today.
>Together with other Canadian Webgrrls chapters, we are announcing the
>rebranding of our organization to DigitalEve Ottawa: Women on the Web,
>effective Nov. 1 2000.
>Who we were and where we are headed:
>Webgrrls was founded by Aliza Sherman in April 1995, initially as a casual
>gathering of Web-savvy women at a New York café. There was a need for a
>wired women's networking group, and Webgrrls International filled it.
>Webgrrls International is a for-profit organization charging membership
>dues, whereas Webgrrls Canada is a non-profit organization where membership
>is free and is not recognized by the International body. We felt that the
>Ottawa membership would want to be part of a not-for-profit organization
>rather than a for-profit corporation where licensing agreements did not
>allow for control over local chapter finances and mailing lists.
>In addition, as the make-up of our membership is changing as fast as the
>economy we recognized the need to align ourselves with a dynamic global
>women's organization that will enable us to offer our members access to
>leading minds and great resources in the technology industry. DigitalEve
>fits that mandate.
>How will this affect me?
>At the local level, our commitment and initiatives will remain exactly the
>same: we will continue to run the same programs and provide educational and
>networking opportunities for women of all ages, backgrounds and levels of
>experience who are interested in technology. Memberships in our chapters
>will continue to be free.
>What else can DigitalEve offer me?
>At the international level, there are some wonderful new services that will
>come with membership:
>Worldwide sponsors mean that money for programs will flow directly to
>chapters, thus allowing us to provide more services to our members.
>Additional programs are also under development.
>Why have I never heard of DigitalEve?
>You may have! DigitalEve International was formed in mid-2000 and chapters
>in Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, Boston and London UK have already
>soft-launched. DigitalEve's formal international launch is set for early
>November of this year.
>Why go with DigitalEve?
>DigitalEve International is committed to fostering cooperation with local
>chapters and is dedicated to fair business practices and a transparent
>organizational structure. DigitalEve is the first international women in
>technology to be established as a true, global non-profit community from
>very beginnings.
>Who's behind DigitalEve?
>Very committed women from Canada, the United States, England, Austria,
>Japan, and Australia who are involved with a variety of women in technology
>organizations. To date, all the women involved in making DE a reality have
>generously volunteered their time.
>What's happening with the other Canadian chapters?
>Great minds think alike. Several chapters have made a commitment to move to
>DE in mid-November; we don't want to pre-empt their own local announcements
>with this one but will keep you informed as the changes happen. DE
>has already launched. We anticipate other chapters will review the
>opportunity in due course.
>Where is DigitalEve based?
>As an international organization, DigitalEve has future plans to open small
>support offices in other locations around the world. The Canadian HQ is
>based in Toronto; Acting Director is Jennifer Evans who is also the
>of the Toronto chapter. The International HQ is based in Seattle; Acting
>Director is May Leong, former director of Webgrrls International. The
>existing Steering Committee for the organization plans to stay in place
>until such time as we hold elections for board positions.
>So now what?
>Please note that all our services and offerings will remain the same.
>Mailing List
>We will be changing our mailing list in November. We will switch you
>automatically to the new list. Several notices will go out prior to the
>switch so that you can change the email address in your browser's address
>book. You will also be given the choice to unsubscribe if you do not wish
>be switched to the new list.
>Web Site
>The new URL will be announced soon, in the meantime, you can still access
>all or our programs and services by visiting our existing site
>General Inquiries
>Of course you can also direct any questions to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>General Meetings
>We will continue with our monthly general meetings, training courses and
>special events.
>Tell Us What You Want
>Please let us know what we can do to serve you better. What type of
>workshops would you like to have? What type of speakers you would like at
>our regular meetings?
>We realize that this is a major and somewhat startling announcement; please
>be aware that a great deal of thought and evaluation has gone into this
>decision by a great number of very committed volunteers. If you have
>questions, please email Donna Dewar, Ottawa Chapter Leader,
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] and as well feel free to discuss this on the list. Feel
>free to air ANY concerns or reservations or questions you may have.
>Committee members will be available to answer your questions at any time.
>Donna Dewar
>Chapter Leader
>Ottawa Webgrrls – Women on the Web
>Soon to be Digital Eve – Women on the Web
>To unsubscribe from this list send an email to
>leaving the subject line blank and typing
>unsubscribe discuss-webgrrls
>in the body of the message.
>Mailing list kindly hosted by Storm Internet Services
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