thanks, caitlyn, for the link to the interesting article. i usually just
like to peruse what is discussed in this forum (i get the digest
version), but to this i felt like responding.
upon graduation from college or entry level IT positions, the reason
there are less women in IT than men is probably for the same reasons
that there are less women in engineering, math, science, etc. but i have
a different idea about why the gap seems to grow over time in IT
compared to the rest. i think that women tend to be more socially
capable to grow into management positions. with engineering, math,
science, doing some technical work and some mgmt is possible. in IT,
once you stop doing much technical work (at the command line everyday),
you quickly lose the ability to easily code, or to setup, maintain, and
advance a whole network of systems. that is, once in a management
position, technical skills are likely to decline (or at least it's
harder to stay current). that seems to be the case for me. i now have 12
years of post-graduate work force experience, but i spend almost all of
my time doing management type tasks. i still like technology and i
promote open source, and i match my work with those interests. but i
hardly get a chance to actually write the code.
i graduated in the late 80's (EE) -- in the article, anita borg asks,
where have those women gone? my answer is: probably management.
p.s. 3 of 4 of my company's sys admins are women :)
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Article: Women leaving IT (Caitlyn M. Martin)
> --__--__--
> Message: 1
> From: "Caitlyn M. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization: NetFerrets
> Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 00:47:07 -0400
> Subject: [issues] Article: Women leaving IT
> Comments???
> Best,
> Caity
> (still in IT, since 1980)
> --__--__--
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