Hi there,

This probably should move to issues, so...  I'll copy it there.

On Sat, 19 Aug 2000, pheret werks wrote:
> i would highly suggest NOT buying software and getting it online . . .
> well, that's how i do it . . . go to www.freshmeat.net,
> www.linuxberg.com, do a search for software, it's absolutely amazing
> what you can find out there.  i can recommend something for just about
> anything you might need!  whoohoooo!!!

While, in principle, I agree with you, it doesn't work for those of us who 
are still using old fashioned dial-up connections, at least for the moment, 
and need something really large, like a whole Linux distro.  
> okay, i get a little enthusiastic and i also get a wee bit irritated at
> the whole distribution scene right now . . . way too microsofty . . . of
> course, i could be opening a whole can o' worms here . . .

I think comparing the various Linux distributors with Microsoft is not fair 
at all.  None of them is an arrogant monopoly trying to control all of the 
IT industry, and by extension, all information, and our lives.  Even the 
biggest, Red Hat, published all of the stuff they develop under the GPL.  
Would Microsoft ever do that?  Methinks not.

I generally do buy one whole copy of the official release of at least one or 
two distros.  Of course, I then install it all over the place, at home, in 
my office, and for my clients.  This, of course, is perfectly legal.  Not so 
with MS, is it?

Why do I bother with the official release?  Some come with really nice 
documentation. I'm paying for a book, which I can then recommend to Linux 
newbie clients.  

Also, when I was having weirdness (or perceived weirdness, in one case) with 
the firewall box I was working on last week, I actually called Caldera, got 
a really good engineer on the phone, and got help.  I don't care how good 
you are or how expereinced you are:  every network and every installation is 
somewhat different, and you're going to hit weirdness sooner or later.  That 
call was way worth the cost of one whole copy of Caldera on sale for $9.99.  
Heck, my client paid for it at my recommendation, and they still have the 
book :)
> my point is, if you are poor (like me) then go get the software online!

If you have the bandwidth, do it even if you aren't poor :)  I expect that 
once we have IDSL, that's how we will generally do it here even for the big 

> =============
> what's the matter with me?
> i'm gay, i'm loveable, i've got
> nice teeth . 

LOL  :)  Why did you choose pheret works?  I have to ask, since I have eight 
fuzzies here.


Caitlyn Máire Martin

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