I've got one for you.  I my husband went and got the mail the other day and in it was 
a big envelope and in the top left corner said "For Women Only" and it was addressed 
to Mr. Shawn Ann Griffith.

Now I can understand that Shawn is more known as a male's name, but Shawn Ann.  I 
don't think I know of one male who has the first or middle name Ann.  Some people are 
just really stupid when it comes to deciding whether someone is a male or female based 
on their name.  All My life (since I've been getting mail) I have always received it 
for Mr. Shawn A. or Mr. Shawn Ann.  Still haven't figured it out, even my credit card 
holders don't know I'm a female until I call them about something.  And even then they 
automatically assume that I'm Shawn's wife.  LOL

Shawn Ann Griffith

--- Terri Oda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>An incident yesterday that just made me think about the recent discussions:
>I was out for lunch with my boyfriend yesterday, and since it was my turn
>to pay, I already had my credit card on the table when the waiter came with
>the bill.  When he came back, sure enough, he handed it to my boyfriend,
>who laughed as I reached over to take it while the poor waiter flushed a
>little and tried to explain that "Terri" wasn't very obvious and he'd just
>assumed... :)  Poor guy.  It is kinda funny to watch bubbles burst, though.
>(As long as it's harmless!)
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