>> abs wrote:> Don't you think gender-neutral naming is a 
>> patch/bandaid on the greater
>> issue of stereotype and bias? This is not a critisism.
> In publishing my (few) scientific articles, I have often
> wondered if I should publish under initials or under my
> full name.  There are a number of studies (I don't have
> the refs. off the top of my head) demonstrating that
> papers with obvious female names are less cited that
> those with obvious male names.  This is an important
> issue because, here in the US anyway, university faculty
> tenure is often linked to the number of citations one
> receives.  
> On the other hand, does one really want to hide behind
> initials?  And then, sooner or later, people will know
> the name that goes with those initials...

I think it's pretty well established that women's work is
devalued over men's.  But this brings up a different issue:

If all the women use initials and all the men use their
first names, well, we've just created a new way to tell
who are the men and who are the women ...

-- julie.

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