My dad's first calculator, that didn't have a handle you pulled, was a huge
Nixie tube unit that took up an enormous amount of desktop real estate. He
did land surveying calculations on it. I remember staring at it for ages,
while the display changed, trying to figure out the order of the numbers in
the tube stacks. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you're probably
under 40. <grin> jdw  

-----Original Message-----
From: Margaret Leber (KB3DXS) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 11:12 PM
To: Deirdre Saoirse
Subject: Re: [grrltalk] Re: [issues] Idea for Linuxchix groups and LUGs
and so on

Deirdre Saoirse wrote:

> My mom tells stories of being able to tell whether code was stuck in a
> loop because of the pattern of the flashing lights.

HEY! **I** remeber doing that, darnit. :-P

 "Your mom" indeed.  

If the loop was tight enough they didn't flash, of course...because they 
were incadescent lamps and didn't cool fast enough. LEDs had just been
invented and were expensive...

Anybody remeber Nixie tubes?

-ICQ 7161096-/ __     _) Margaret Stephanie Leber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/
-AOPA 925383/(, /|  /| /
AMSAT 32844/   / | / |  _   _   _    `  "The art of progress consists/
ARRL 39280/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_ of preserving order amid /
EAA 600137 (_/   '        .-/ .-/    change and change amid order."/
-KB3DXS-/________________(_/ (_/__________________A.N.Whitehead___/

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