Look, nobody should have aired private, personal dirty laundry on list. There
is no acceptable justification for it.
> " So, Deb banned a long-time list
> member and local-chapter founder on the basis of private, non-list e-mail. "
Fine with me, if it keeps the dispute off list. I manage four lists myself, and
I would never tolerate this kind of stuff. Fortunately the lists I manage have
stayed cordial and this hasn't happened. I've never banned or unsubed anyone,
but I can understand why Deb needed to now.
I really don't care what the facts of the dispute are, or who is right or
wrong. Frankly, it is absolutely none of my business. Let's just be
supportive of Deb and let's keep the list on topic.
I promise this is my first and last post on this issue.
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