Ok, maybe that apparently private email from Deb was posted with her 
permission, but I suspect not. So:

Deb sinks her own time, effort and resources into setting up and 
maintaining this list and the linuxchix website.

I am extremely grateful that I have this forum to hear (usually in a 
civil manner) the opinions of people with completely different 
experiences from my own and to have my opinion heard.

Being the administrator of the list, Deb is the boss here.  If you don't 
like heirachys, tough.  It is one because Deb has control of the list 
and can ban/moderate/etc.
Deb has, to date, been an extremely beneficent leader.
In this situation, there are a lot of costs and very few rewards in 
being the boss.  The biggest problem (from having been an administrator 
of a real world community) is that people begin to expect you to sort 
out their shit with other people.  It's frustrating, demoralising and 
it's often a catch 22 because you're going to be damned by someone no 
matter what you do (including nothing).

NOBODY has better information than Deb with which to make her decisions, 
so lets not second guess any of those decisions.  Our $0.02 has probably 
taken us about a tenth the effort and thought that Deb has put into her 
decision, no matter whos side we're on.  The very definition of a cheap 

As I say, running this kind of thing takes time and energy.  If we drain 
enough of Debs energy, she will stop doing it and we will all be the poorer.

Wether or not I agree with Debs decision is irrelevant in this forum.  I 
owe her (which is a smarmy way of saying "all of you also owe her") the 
respect of believing she will approach this with a fair and even hand 
and may be privy to facts which I (and you) are not.  If you disagree 
with this Debs decisions on these matters, I abdure you to take it up 
with Deb PRIVATELY and more importantly POLITELY.

I apologise to all the list readers for venting my spleen like this.  I 
recently left my abovementioned position over precisely the kind of crap 
I'm talking about.
It's a sore spot.

Thanks for your time and attention.

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