FYI. Comments below. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 12:42:11 -0400 (EDT) From: deb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Rockwell, Christi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: "'[EMAIL PROTECTED] '" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: RE: final warning "Rockwell, Christi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > This is bullshit. right, you're both gone. - deb ----- End forwarded message ----- I privately predicted yesterday that Deb would end up going for the "even-handedness" gambit: It was her easy way out. And, indeed, how it worked was as follows: 1. Christi e-mailed, OFF-LIST, an accusation that Deirdre was working in concert with her ex, and threatened legal action. 2. Deirdre replied OFF-LIST, detailing where to send legal process. 3. Deb replied as above. So, Deb banned a long-time list member and local-chapter founder on the basis of private, non-list e-mail. I am not on this list. Reply-To set, accordingly. -- Cheers, "Open your present...." Rick Moen "No, you open your present...." rick (at) Kaczinski Christmas. -- Unabomber Haiku Contest, CyberLaw mailing list _______________________________________________ issues mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]