HMmmmmmmmmmm  How does Christi not belong here any more than you belong here Deidre?  
The last I checked anyone was allowed to be on the mailing list for LinuxChix.  All I 
know is at least someone appologized for the nonsense that went on in here.

Oh yeah, Christi, thanks for apologizing :)

Shawn Ann

--- Deirdre Saoirse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>On Tue, 8 Aug 2000, Christi Rockwell wrote:
>> I just wanted to apologize to everyone else on the list for my post to
>> Deidre last night.  I should know better than to post when I'm upset.  
>> I wouldn't presume to speak for Deidre (she's done that for herself),
>> but I will keep my personal soap opera out of here to the extent that
>> I can.  (I can't control my ex or people acting on my ex's behalf
>> though.)
>Your apology is not accepted.
>You don't belong here.
>Go away.
>_Deirdre   *   *
>"We can always count on the British. Except for the Revolutionary War
>they've been perfect." -- Mel Brooks, on the first Concorde flight since 
>the Paris crash.
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