On Tue, 8 Aug 2000, Deirdre Saoirse wrote:
> Your apology is not accepted.
> You don't belong here.
> Go away.
I'm going to clarify this, whether any of you want to hear it or not. I'll
do it before I get more mail on it (about 1/2 supportive and about 1/2
negative thus far).
1) Christi has asserted that her ex has been abusive. If that were in fact
so, would a sane person want to be on the same mailing list? Posting?
After all she's "been through"? No, if her assertions were in fact true, a
list that had provided support for her ex would be the LAST place she
would suddenly post after her ex had been there for months. Right?
2) Christi has in fact gotten a restraining order against her ex. Part of
the terms of this mean that her ex is forbidden from replying to her
posts. No defense, just the court of public opinion. Now, tell me what
sort of person would get a restraining order against someone, and then go
on a mailing list and dump a bunch of bile on there, knowing that the
other party can't respond?
3) What if I told you that, in addition to that, Christi's ex had been
helpful in founding a chapter of Linuxchix, active daily in Linuxchix,
friend to many members here, and a regular and long-time poster?
Effectively, Christi seems bent on violating her ex's space.
4) Additionally, Deb has said that she will not lift a finger on this
matter, but instead if any of it results in a legal summons, she will shut
down the lists. If Christi keeps posting, that's a virtual certainty,
given that the posts have already gone to her ex's attorney.
5) Christy's ex has been an active member and contributor to the Linux
community for years and a productive coder on several projects.
_Deirdre * http://www.sfknit.org * http://www.deirdre.net
"We can always count on the British. Except for the Revolutionary War
they've been perfect." -- Mel Brooks, on the first Concorde flight since
the Paris crash.
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