Robert Kiesling wrote:
> I'm not certain what you mean by "action." The MPAA tried this sort
> of thing when CD's came to market, IIRC. I would think that the DeCSS
> legal actions are more urgent than UCITA, if only because they're not
> subject to legislation. Personally, I think the DVD suppression goes
> beyond freedom of expression and is also an infringement on the due
> process of the defendents. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, btw, is
> helping coordinate the legal defense.
By action I meant active expression of dislike for this law to prevent
it from getting passed. DMCA didnt elicit much of a reaction when it
was passed, and thus we are now dealing with the consequences of it
now. I agree this is very much a major issue, as it should never have
been passed as it was back then. However, my only point was that I
would hate to see the same thing happen with the UCITA.
"You are the product of a mutational union
of ~640Mbytes of genetic information."