On Thu, Feb 24, 2000 at 07:36:38AM +1100, Jenn V. wrote:
> Snarfblat wrote:
> >
> > On a
> > somewhat similiar tangent, are very many of you religious?
Yes. I am a kibologist (all of you familiar with a.r.k are cringing
right now...). Actually, to be serious, I am religious/spiritual --
whatever you wish to call -- in the sence that I look at the world, and
I see more than just science acting on things, and I do such things as
commune with nature, among other beliefs.
I guess the best way to sum it up, is I walk my own path to
`enlightenment'. I know of about two other people who *might* be
considered to have the same `religion' as me, but that might is a big
one (we bounce ideas, theories and philosophies off each other, but we
are by no means consistent).
> > In my
> > experience, organized religion is a very patriarchial and constrictive
> > environment, which I would imagine, would put off most people here.
> I'm not a member of an organised religion.
Organized religion gives me the heebie-jeebies, no real good reason for
it, just a gut feeling that there is something inherently wrong about it
(primary reason why I refuse to put a name on my beliefs and rather just
say kibology if someone asks).
> > i personally have a rather ill view of common christian religion; the
> > power struggle and opression that I see there annoys me to no end.
> Religion != Christianity. I'm not christian. I am religious.
Thank you Jenn.
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