Some time in the past, "Jenn V." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scripsit, 

> Lets make Melbourne an enclave of Linux-wielding hippie geek 
> vegan dykes - and those who don't quite fit that description.
> (linux-wielding hippie geek vegan males are welcome too. And 
> those who don't quite fit...)

Hmm, could this celibate socialist ovo-lacto vegetarian frustrated poet 
fit in? 8->

(Yes, I really am celibate, and by choice, not circumstance.  Apart from 
any other benefit, I find it frees me up to flirt with my gay male friends, 
because we all know where the boundaries lie.  And yes, most of these guys 
are geeks.)


Melbourne, Australia      
Tenet insanabile multos scribendi cacoethes et aegro in corde senescit.
                                                -- Juvenal


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