>Is it possible that word has simply gotten out that the class is being
>taught by a woman, and you've released a pent-up demand amongst women
>who are more comfortable being taught this tech by a woman?
Actually, I've noticed in a lot of instances where I'm at a tech conference
or doing a tech presentation with male friends/coworkers that almost all
the women who stop to talk will talk to me rather than to my male
counterparts. (I'm usually the lone female in the group.) The males don't
seem to have that much preference, talking to me or the guys (although I
may be being generous here -- it's hard to tell if I'd talk to more males
if I weren't occupied with the female portion of those interested in our
I've always wondered -- would all of those women have stopped to talk if I
weren't there?
Observations of a "token"[1] female...
[1] I say "token" as a joke, generally. I'm there for other, more
appropriate reasons, it's just often seen as a benefit that I provide a
small bit of gender balance to some of the teams with whom I've worked.
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