On Thu, 13 Jan 2000, Michelle Peglar wrote:
> So anyway, I think just drop the -ess words.  A woman or a man - the person
> is still a priest. Or an actor.  Or a waiter.  Or a firefighter.  Or a
> doctor.  Or a nurse.   Hey that brings up another point.  There are no
> Doctoress'!  I wonder why not. Maybe because the woman who first began
> occuplying that position were firm in the understanding of their equality.

Why must we use the male words? Is the goal to make everyone a male? Sure, the
goal is to make everybody equal, but there's a lot of beauty in some female
stereotype words, expressions and colours.
Most women nowadays never weres dresses anymore, but it can be confortable
sometimes. I'd rather have people of both sexes wear dresses than having it
banned altogether.

Sunnan (yeah, feminist I am, in a way)
I am you.

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