> > The diminutive of Mister is Master, but AFAIK it's not in common
> > usage and is age centric.
> My son has received mail addressed to "Master."
I quite like Esquire, but mainly for the fact that it is such an anachronism these
> The reason for this is that, traditionally, a woman comes "of age"
> when she marries, while men come of age when they reach a certain
> age. Traditions suck.
I'm not sure about that. I though that women traditionally "came of age" when they
where considered old enough to marry, usually between 12 and 15 years. I suspect that
the idea that a woman "comes of age" once she has married arose around the same time
as the whole nuclear family thing got going.
#ifndef __COMMON_SENSE__ | Ian Phillips
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#endif | www.TIBCO.com
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