> Curiously, I've never been corrected with "thats Doctor! whoever" by anyone who's a > doctor of something useful (medicine, hard sciences, engineering). Also I've never Most of the people I know who are Doctors of anything other than medicine only ever use the title to poke fun at themselves. The official title for engineers in Euro-land is Eur. Ing., which I remember seeing a few professors use at my University. I don't know how common it is outside of the UK, or academia for that matter. Yours, Ian. #ifndef __COMMON_SENSE__ | Ian Phillips #include <std_disclaimer> | TIBCO Software Inc. #endif | www.TIBCO.com ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
- [issues] Re: Mr., Mrs., Miss, Dr. or Sir Simon Britnell
- Re: [issues] Re: Mr., Mrs., Miss, Dr. or Sir Kelly Lynn Martin
- RE: [issues] Re: Mr., Mrs., Miss, Dr. or Sir Ian Phillips
- Re: [issues] Re: Mr., Mrs., Miss, Dr. or Si... Jenn V.
- Re: [issues] Re: Mr., Mrs., Miss, Dr. or Si... Kelly Lynn Martin
- RE: [issues] Re: Mr., Mrs., Miss, Dr. o... Ian Phillips
- Re: [issues] Re: Mr., Mrs., Miss, ... Chris J/#6
- [issues] Eur. Ing.? was Mr., Mrs., Miss, Dr. or Sir Ian Phillips
- [issues] Eur. Ing.? was Mr., Mrs., Miss, Dr. or... Nils Philippsen
- RE: [issues] Eur. Ing.? was Mr., Mrs., Miss... Ian Phillips
- RE: [issues] Eur. Ing.? was Mr., Mrs., ... Jane Susi
- RE: [issues] Eur. Ing.? was Mr., M... Ian Phillips