
> If you can't tell I am *still* steamed about this -- especially since I
> figure eigth grade girls and boys are *still* faced with that same
> ridiculous and sexist choice.  It was required to take one or the other
> when I was there -- can you imagine?

I went to the usual Norwegian co-ed public schools.  When I was in 8th 
grade we were having sewing and woodwork and "other arts" (drawing, 
painting, ceramics etc).  The class was usually divided into three parts 
and then we sirculated because the wood work and sewing rooms couldn't 
take more than about 12 of us at a time. But after easter we were only 
divided into two groups: girls and boys. The school's economy was
poor, so they couldn't afford everyone sewing the same "big" clothing 
(i.e. they wanted us to sew something but small applications and stuff, So, the boys were going to make wind gloves (or
something, I don't know what is it in English, protection against the
wind when you are skiing) and the girls a terrible night gown. 

I and two other girls from my class objected. We didn't need a night
gown, we needed gloves! So we went on strike, denied joining the arts
class and objected to the headmaster and the councellor. After two weeks
the teacher resigned: we could make gloves instead.

Next year everybody made gloves :)

(Of us three girls I am into computer science, one is a student
of Geology (will be M.Sc.) and the last one is single mother doing some 
engeneering college, maybe CS.)

Magni :)
ulimit is good for you.


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