At 12:53 PM 01/10/2000 GMT, you wrote:
>>"Skeletons in the closet" have nothing to do with ability to serve,
>>though. The fact that they reflect on ability to be elected is a
>>strong condemnation of the American electoral process.
>I must strongly disagree....skeletons are an indication of true morals and
>ideals of a candidate. Would you want a person who embezzled millions of
>dollars from a company as "leader of the free world"? .....
How about someone who smoked dope 25 years ago, or whose uncle committed a
murder, or whose spouse was convicted of a felony in his/her youth? Or a
divorced person, or....
Seems to me that "skeletons" is just another media point-scoring game,and
usually have nothing whatever to do with the actual candidates' real
ability to run a province/state/country now..... Which, btw, is not a
matter of morals or ideals, but of administrative and political ability......
But, then, gossip is one of humanity's favourite games......