On Thu, 23 Dec 1999, Simon Britnell wrote:
> <RANT><snip rant> </RANT>
> If someone can give me a good reason why the numbers should matter more than the
> individual, I'll be glad to listen.
You've got some points, however: women must be welcomed into IT with open arms.
Men must be welcomed into nursing with open arms (or as open as the arms are
for female nurses, at least... they have a pretty rough time these days).
You're somehow implying that women doesn't like IT; using your dislike for team
sports as a geek as a likeness. Well, being a geek is a subculture, kinda like
being a punk rocker or a cypherpunk or a snowboarder etc etc. Being a woman
(which isn't really a minority group but treated like one) isn't something you
become by choice. A subculture defines its likes/dislikes and it evolves over
time, while a minority group got its stereotypes (based on demographics at
best, at worse just taken out of thin air) and get frequently discriminated.
Numbers _shouldn't_ matter more than the individual. However, today the numbers
imply that there are very few women in IT and those statistics are a big
obstacle on the road for equal rights (since they imply that women aren't as
IT-interested, which is B.S.) although they definitely show that something is
I agree with Caity - let's tear down the barriers.
Sunnan (Heavily posting politics today - hope I'm still loved?)
Hjärtan och blomster etc etc
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