In netizen.lists.linuxchix.issues, you wrote:
>> Basically, the idea is to set up a web page which lists women who work
>> in Open Source in various capacities, such as:
>I think it would be a mistake to simply try to publicize women,
>because many of them would have personal or professional reasons
>not to have their names and credentials listed publicly.

My thoughts were either that women should list themselves voluntarily,
or should be sufficiently well known that having their name one more
place on the web would be no big deal.  Not to take our glorious
leader's name in vain, but I think Deb falls clearly into the latter
category, for instance.  Two other examples I can think of are Elizabeth
wossname who is an editor of LWN, and Telsa Gwynne, whose diary is
extremely popular reading.

Perhaps Telsa and Deb could give some thoughts on whether they'd mind
being listed "Linuxchix and OSWG leader" and "famed diarist"
respectively :)

[Note that I personally dislike the idea of mentioning Telsa as "Alan
Cox's missus" or similar... her diary is a resource in its own right,
especially for those who want to hear what it's like for a non-hacker to
try to come to grips with Linux, and I personally loathe the practise of
defining women by their relationships with men, *especially* when there
are plenty of other worthwhile attributes to define them by.  But that's
just my not-very-humble opinion :)]


Kirrily 'Skud' Robert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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