
Would it be possible for you to put a mailing list for the project on
your machine or should I go elsewhere?

We need to move off issues@linuxchix for our project specs discussions,
unless we want to get bombarded with all kinds of noise when we start getting

Let me know ASAP,

Deirdre Saoirse wrote:
> On Sun, 5 Dec 1999, Maureen Lecuona wrote:
> > Let us not start stereotyping each other before we have all even met,
> > okay?
> >
> > Just because some of the people want to use PYTHON, this does mean they
> > are "prototypers".
> Exactly.
> > I will put out a preliminary specification document, and a design
> > document so we can apportion out the work as we see fit.
> I agree. I find good design very hard to find, especially in the open
> source community. As I've been known to say, "in this bunch, software
> design is as popular as leprosy."
> > BTW, I seldom prototype, but I sometimes need to give demos of working
> > ideas. There's a lot to be said for producing working code before
> > claiming one design is better than another, and prototyping happens to
> > lead to some very elegant refinements early in the coding cycle, because
> > prototyping, whenever I have chosen to do it, gives me new insights and
> > points out early any erroneous assumptions I may have made in the early
> > design.
> I am personally a fan of the "design - prototype - fix design" plan
> because, whether anyone intends it or not, it almost always happens that
> way. I've seen WAY too many overspecced projects die before a line of
> code is produced.
> I want neither an ill-fitting design NOR well-documented vaporware.
> --
> _Deirdre   *   *
>    My three rules for happy living:  No Windows, No Java, No Perl.
> "I'd love to have the green paint concession on the next Matrix movie."
>                                                          -- Rick Moen
> ************


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