Okay, so let's get a count of people who would work on project management software. So far I have Deidre (only if it's Python/GTK+, right?), myself (who is unfamiliar with Python but willing to learn), Eugenia(?), Patti Ames(?). I am not sure about this list, so if you are on it and don't want to be, please speak up. I don't know if we have enough people to get very large undertaking done, but if we all agreed that we have a minimal quorum, then as far as I am concerned, it's a go. I will make sure we have equipment (push comes to shove, I can provide a Linux system with about 2 GB of space for us), and connectivity (static IP addr is my problem here - my ISP is not giving any addresses out at all at present - my connection speed is 128KB ISDN, which should do for now). Please email me directly, it's easier to weed out any other noise that way. Thanks, Maureen [EMAIL PROTECTED] ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
- Re: [issues] Jamie Lokier (was Re: 50 peopl... franzoni
- Re: [issues] Jamie Lokier (was Re: 50 p... Deirdre Saoirse
- Re: [issues] Jamie Lokier (was Re:... Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: [issues] Jamie Lokier (was Re: 50 peopl... jenn
- Project management software project, wa... Amanda Babcock
- RE: Project management software pr... Ian Phillips
- Re: Project management softwar... Maureen Lecuona
- Re: Project management softwar... Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: Project management softwar... Maureen Lecuona
- Re: Project management softwar... Deirdre Saoirse
- Re: Project management softwar... Maureen Lecuona
- Re: Project management softwar... Deirdre Saoirse
- Re: Project management softwar... jenn
- Re: Project management softwar... Maureen Lecuona
- Re: Project management softwar... Maureen Lecuona
- Re: [issues] Jamie Lokier (was Re: 50 people to wat... franzoni
- Re: [issues] Jamie Lokier (was Re: 50 people to wat... Laurel Fan
- Re: [issues] Jamie Lokier (was Re: 50 people to watch) Maureen Lecuona