I've been reading the topic on open source projects for women, and I have a
project that I've been working on for a couple of years now that I'm truly
stuck on, and I would like some help. 

It's nothing like a project management system or anything remotely 'useful'
other than as a teaching tool for myself, and as a way to waste time. :) 

As a child I grew up playing a shareware game called Sleuth. I loved it. I
still do. I've been trying to port it to Linux so that I could play it more
often, and so that I wouldn't have go through the annoying personalizing
thing every time I restarted the game. I've got it all planned out, what it's
supposed to do, it's the how that bugs me. If you like I have a copy of
Sleuth as well for you try so you can see what I mean.

As a project goes, yeah it's not likely to get us much, if any, recognzation
in the Linux world, but it is a project and I'd be greatly appreciative of
any help anyone would like to offer.

I'm writing it in C, and it's a teaching project, so the code isn't great
stuff, but I'm really proud of it so far. 

If you're intrested, reply to me and I'll give you the info and we can get

Thanks in advance,

  Computer Science Major, Southwestern Adventist University.    Keene, TX 

   Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in 
   the hearts of true friends. 
        --Cindy Lew 

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