At 10:08 AM 11/09/1999 -0800, you wrote:
>Alright since I'm probably one of those people who should have read the
>(yet non-existant) FAQ...
>I'm going to try to start one :).....

This strikes me as a very good use for your energies, *provided that we get
some kind of control over the final form of the answers!

>Who are some of these people?
> (perhaps some should be
>included in the FAQ?)
Not a good idea, I think, as people will come and go, and this will require
constant updating -- a pointer should suffice....

>Why shouln't you send unsolicited emails or ads on this list?
>as a side note: there are several people on this list who are sysadmins...
>who will likely track you down.. add any open relay that you might be
>using to the blackhole list ... and if they manage to track you down
(which is more likely then
>not).. you may find yourself with a rather perminant Blue Screen of
>DEATH!... :)

I hope this is not serious -- because it advocates actions by our members
that are illegal in a lot of countries, and unethical in a lot more.....
>What other forms of netiquite should be followed?
Spell checking.
>What issues have been exausted on this list?
This is also not a good idea, imho, as in a year or two there may be all
new people who want to revive a topic.  Rather, perhaps summaries of such
topics as "Why should I not raise the value of equal rights for women on
this list" would be more appropriate? This 
would be a big job, and, again, require constant updating, but it would
also give future members a flavour for the list and a base to start from....

2 yen (not worth what it was a few years back)



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