curious wrote:
> > > hmmm what is wrong with having a male "ruled" world? and why should women
> > > have equal rights?
> >
> > own property) that is not often questioned. It's another thing to walk
> > onto a group of folks who live in a world that questions their right to
> > humanity and ask them why they should have it.
> Ohh.. on the contrary... before I try to figure out in my head how equal
> humanity is to be achived.. it's helpful to find out if it's nessary to
> begin with... the best people to ask such a question to are usualy the
> people fighting for it.
Why should we have equal rights? Because we have equal ability. Because
society is improved by applying ALL our brains and ALL our strengths to
its development and improvement.
What's wrong with a male ruled world?
* lack of good childcare and education is hampering the development of
the next generation of most first world societies
* female leaders /tend/ to be more pragmatic about such things as wars
(that they usually cost more than they're worth), and thus less inclined
to go into them for reasons like pride
.... I don't feel like going into yet more of the things that may or may
not be caused by a rejection of females as potential leaders.
Jenn V.
Humans are the only species to feed and house entirely separate species
for no reason other than the pleasure of their company. Why?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Jenn Vesperman