Rikki McGinty wrote:
> It sounds to me like people tried one kind of antidepressants and then gave
> up? Just because Prozac doesn't work doesn't mean antidepressants don't work
> or always have horrid side effects. There are a big variety of anti-Ds and
> often you have to go through a bunch of them to find one that works.
> Many people really need that medication to function properly, or even to
> stay alive.
I know. My mother does, and my brother needs lithium. (Gee, does it look
like I might have a genetic disorder here? Naaaaaahhhhhh......)
I don't think anyone is slamming anti-depressants in general. I was just
curious as to whether other people had the same problems with them that
I do. Apparently so. ;)
Jenn V.
Humans are the only species to feed and house entirely separate species
for no reason other than the pleasure of their company. Why?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Jenn Vesperman http://www.simegen.com/~jenn/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org