Vinnie Surmonde wrote:

> > And my exwife never did ANY housework...if we wanted clean clothes....I did
> > them.  If we wanted clean dishes, I washed 'em.
> The point is that that is the exception -- becoming less so, but the
> 'rule' (in this case, more common situation) is that housework is 'women's
> work' -- and again, if a particular set of individuals don't mind that,
> then that's fine -- it just shouldn't be considered the one right way..
> Vinnie

My husband and I look at it this way: I'm currently staying at home to raise our
son (who's almost three). I'm doing it because I want to, and love it (in other
words, I'm not doing it because it's 'my place' to do so *chuckle*). From the
time Mark leaves for work until the time he gets home, I tend to everything that
needs looking after in the home. Primarily, my son. By the time hubby gets home,
I've done as much as I could do in that (about 10 hour) period. When he walks in
the door, the responsibilities are shared equally. If he's more tired than I am,
I make dinner, or vice versa. We both do laundry and house cleaning, and he does
most of the evening child rearing, as him and Aerik haven't seen each other all

I can't picture it any other way - I really enjoy what I do, but I would go nuts
if I had to do it 24/7 (hats off to single parents!). Mark loves what he does,
but he rarely works late (or if he has to, he usually comes home for dinner
first, making his family top priority) and has based his career around the three
of us. In other words, he does little travel, and won't take jobs which would
mean long hours away from us.

What I find really funny is when people I meet assume I do all the work around
here; it is so far from the truth! I think most of our 'harmonic' co-habitation
has to do with good communication. When either of us needs a break from
house/parenting duties, we let the other know. We try not to play the "I've had a
harder day than you have" game, but we're not always successful *laugh*. But
anyway, it's a decent system and we're both happy with it :) When Aerik (and any
future children) are older, I'll go back to work. That'll be a whole new ball of
wax for us, and we'll have to re-adjust again. I can't imagine coming home from a
tiring day at the office and arguing over who has to make dinner. Again, congrats
to those who can do it! :)

Anyway, this message is only remotely on-topic, I think. It's woman's issues, but
definately not linux related...Um...except my husband works in the linux
community, I used to, and I'm a woman! *sigh of relief* ;)

Take care, all :)


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