curious wrote:

> Greetings,
>         Hello, my name is curious... this wonderful mailinglist was
> introduced to me by Vinnie Surmone... so if there any referal bonuses
> please aply them accordingly.
>         Early observations... there seems to be alot of knee jerking on
> here.. If someone says something you disagree with it's best to understand
> where they are comming from before you do ANY talking... especialy if you
> have any intentions of shapping thier views.  Just because someone
> questions screenshots somewhere doesn't mean they are advocating
> censorship. If you kneejerk a response all your going to do is cause a
> flame war since no real conversaion or consideration happens... and the
> list begins to deteriorate into a mess... (this is a BAD thing)... Also
> labling people, ideas... breeds sterio(sic) types... which tend to lead
> deeply into misunderstandings and communications..
>         An idea for either enhancement on this mailinglist or a possible
> future list would be to have the use of the list licensed.. ie. to use the
> list you must agree to atempt to fully understand where the other person
> is comming from... and not to lable anyone in the list....
>         Even though Vinnie introduced me to this list... you'll find there
> are areas where she and I don't see eye to eye at all... though we each
> have strong respect (well at least I know I have strong respect for
> her's) for each other's views and constantly strive to seek
> out what/why the other belives what they belive..
>         In forums like this... I belive having people that truly seek to
> understand leads to the most succesful (interms of entertainment,
> knowledge, and experince) list...
>         I'll proly wait till some of the flames die down on here before I
> bring up issues I would realy like some input on... don't try to judge
> me... for I would never claim to judge you.
>         I suppose I should put up some statement as to who I am... but
> I'll just point to my website listed below.. and perhaps add more data
> laterz....
> Hugs to those that want one,
> Peace be with all of you,
> Curious
> PS if you made it this far you deserve a cookie.... sorry I'm all out :(
>  /"\  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>  \ /   ASCII Ribbon Campaign      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   X   - NO HTML/RTF in e-mail
>  / \  - NO Word docs in e-mail    "This quote is false." -anon
> ************

I guess emotionally I sort of agree and not. It would be a good idea if people
didn't jump to conclusions in any direction. Note, some of that is somewhat
understandable. When a Christian Preacher starts talking about how we treat
our kitty cats and doggies, well then one guesses often correctly the pro-life
anit-abortion lecture is not far behind.

AS fara s licensing goes, in your usee of the term, well I don't know. Two or
Three simple house roles seem to be enough. Also I guess I get the creeps out
of creeping  legalismm, especially used in non-legal areas. But if that is
what makes people feel comfortable it's worthwhile to think about. I dunno if
it works in the net environment,

In general what flame wars do is make me hold back on broaching any more
controversial topics. Like when being a sysadmin or co-sysadmin of a variety
of things, the unoffical rule was we never called "express your opinions" but
don't get the legal system involved. It boiled down to unless, you are really
certain something truly evil and rude is going on, don't bring the authorities
into it, they only make a mess of things and lives. I supposed that was to use
a legalisms or legal world views I previous disparaged:), well it was an
unofficial sort of list of duties of system administrators, or kind of in the
charter of  "System Admins..." A few "cool it" messages were OK. But don't
call the cops if one's "creep-o-meter" went off. As a person who by mere
visual appearance sets off people's creep-o-meters then I am generally in
support of such.

The same way I don't feel people should have to change their nick or even
their appearance to avoid srtting off people. I mean if it does no harm, then
it isn't that bad. And it is oppressive to sort of try to force such things.

And I would like to have a good discussion of "what images offend people..."
and "Why?" and should we pay any attention to it. For example to conservative
christians even dedicating a weird electronic musci album to "The Holy Ghost"
is "disrespect".. . So far modulo (except for) the yelling, and the sort of
popular questionable use of organismal biology in support of the status quo,
it seems a strart been made.

It seems a worthwhile question and would be double such if it were to take
place in the context of  why it bothers people (partialy done already), what
messages doe it convey and in what context. In Santa Cruz, California noted
for its proegreesive politics,  girlie pix didn't appear in guess stations or
even many bars. But it appear in liquor stores of various varities. All it
meant is that you were intering one of those. Both male and female friends
kind of ignored it. Now if they they were "Labeled BEER BITCH X" , "BEER BITCH
Y..." then the reaction might have been different.

But here in (Wild Not So wonderful West Virginia), especially in the Northen
Panhadle it is used as a "male territory marked." Along with the still
existent (sigh) dating ritual of "she get's to order the most expensive thing
on the menu, the guy pays for her meal, and then sex is his sex partner." This
is sometimes reffered to as "surf and turf date" some people thing as the song
goes: "That's just the way it is, somethings will never change..."  It does
set my creepo meter off more than 16 year olds of either sex falling for 16
year olds of any other sex. or people of other ages."

Have Fun,
Sends Steve


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