Kelly Lynn Martin wrote:

> On Fri, 22 Oct 1999 09:55:31 -0400, "Blackjax" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> >People keep saying that as if I should recognize the name or
> >something.  Could someone explain because I don't.
> Weekly World News is a major supermarket tabloid.  The kind that run
> stories about alien babies with two heads.
> Kelly
> ************

Yeah we used to call it: "Weekly World Noise". Yeah it is some thing people
around here buy a lot. This zine (small independent publication) publisher Jim
Hogshire wrote a book called: "Grossed Out Surgeon Vomits Inside Patient" which
adequately gives one the flavour of that end of the publication world.

When I spoke to him he said that tabloids at least pay on time, which they have
in common with the DOD.;) He is kind of a wild author, he published a zine
called "Pills a Go-Go". I have kind of lost track of him. It is funny.

A lot of these things are made up as they go along. They print speculation as
fact, changing it to keep interest going. They especially like to play with
hearstrings cases like the Ramsey Investigation. Funny and a little sad to
read. Funny and sad that people want to believe so easily.

Have Fun,
Sends Steve


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