lvyankui created HIVE-28360:

             Summary: Upgrade jersey to version 1.19.4,
                 Key: HIVE-28360
             Project: Hive
          Issue Type: Bug
    Affects Versions: 3.1.3
            Reporter: lvyankui

Hive version: 3.1.3
Hadoop version: 3.3.5

After upgrading to Hadoop 3.3.5, the Hive WebHCat server fails to start because 
of inconsistent versions of the Jersey JAR package. Hive HCat lacks the 
jersey-server-1.19 jar.


After upgrading to Hadoop 3.3.5+, Hadoop updates jersey to version 
{color:#ff0000}1.19.4{color}, which is inconsistent with the jersey version in 
the Hive WebHCat server. As a result, the startup fails. To resolve this, 
manually download a package and place it in 

Therefore, when packaging Hive, we need to specify the version of Jersey in the 
Hive POM file to match the version of Jersey in Hadoop  to avoid version 

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