
caijialiang resolved HIVE-27535.
    Fix Version/s: 3.1.4
       Resolution: Invalid

> Make hive3.1.3 support hadoop3.3.5+
> -----------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-27535
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-27535
>             Project: Hive
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Hive
>    Affects Versions: 3.1.3
>            Reporter: caijialiang
>            Priority: Major
>             Fix For: 3.1.4
>         Attachments: image-2023-07-27-16-18-03-692.png, 
> image-2023-07-27-16-18-30-200.png, image-2023-07-27-16-18-45-151.png, 
> patch15-support-hadoop3.3.5.diff
> Hive version: 3.1.3
> Hadoop version: 3.3.5
> After upgrading to Hadoop 3.3.5, the Hive WebHCat server fails to start 
> because of inconsistent versions of the Jersey JAR package. Hive HCat lacks 
> the jersey-server-1.19 jar.
> !image-2023-07-27-16-18-03-692.png!
> The issue is as follows: The startup script of the Hive WebHCat server sets 
> the Hadoop class path. It first loads from its own class path, and if not 
> found, it looks for it in the Hadoop class path. 
> /usr/lib/hive-hcatalog/sbin/webhcat_server.sh
> !image-2023-07-27-16-18-30-200.png!
> In Hadoop 3.3.4, the version of the Jersey-related JARs in Hadoop is 1.19, 
> which matches that of Hive. Therefore, even though the Hive WebHCat server 
> does not contain jersey-server-1.19.jar, it successfully loads 
> jersey-server-{color:#ff0000}1.19{color}.jar from the Hadoop class path, and 
> no error occurs.
> !image-2023-07-27-16-18-45-151.png!
> However, after upgrading to Hadoop 3.3.5, Hadoop updates jersey to version 
> {color:#ff0000}1.19.4{color}, which is inconsistent with the jersey version 
> in the Hive WebHCat server. As a result, the startup fails. To resolve this, 
> manually download a package and place it in 
> /usr/lib/hive-hcatalog/share/webhcat/svr/lib/
> Therefore, when packaging Hive, we need to specify the version of Jersey in 
> the Hive POM file to match the version of Jersey in Hadoop  to avoid version 
> conflicts.

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