Github user StefanRRichter commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -412,9 +421,15 @@ private void 
restorePartitionedState(Collection<KeyGroupsStateHandle> state) thr
    -                           for (Tuple2<Integer, Long> groupOffset : 
keyGroupsHandle.getGroupRangeOffsets()) {
    +                           for (Tuple2<Integer, Long> groupOffset : 
keyGroupsStateHandle.getGroupRangeOffsets()) {
                                        int keyGroupIndex = groupOffset.f0;
                                        long offset = groupOffset.f1;
    +                                   // Skip those key groups that don't 
belong to the backend.
    +                                   if 
(!keyGroupRange.contains(keyGroupIndex)) {
    --- End diff --
    I think this is no longer required, because we are now "cutting out" the 
right key-groups from each state handle in the `StateAssignmentOperation`, 
using the `KeyedStateHandle::getIntersection(...)` method. In fact, I think 
that receiving a key-group that is not in the backend's range could now be 
considered as an error. We could rewrite this as a precondition check, or an 

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