Github user zentol commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -114,9 +121,53 @@ public KeyedStream(DataStream<T> dataStream, 
KeySelector<T, KEY> keySelector, Ty
                                new KeyGroupStreamPartitioner<>(keySelector, 
                this.keySelector = keySelector;
    -           this.keyType = keyType;
    +           this.keyType = validateKeyType(keyType);
    +   private TypeInformation<KEY> validateKeyType(TypeInformation<KEY> 
keyType) {
    +           Stack<TypeInformation<?>> stack = new Stack<>();
    +           stack.push(keyType);
    +           while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
    +                   TypeInformation<?> typeInfo = stack.pop();
    +                   if (!validateKeyTypeIsHashable(typeInfo)) {
    +                           throw new InvalidProgramException("This type (" 
+ keyType + ") cannot be used as key.");
    +                   }
    +                   if (typeInfo instanceof TupleTypeInfoBase) {
    +                           for (int i = 0; i < typeInfo.getArity(); i++) {
    +                                   stack.push(((TupleTypeInfoBase) 
    +                           }
    +                   }
    +           }
    +           return keyType;
    +   }
    +   /**
    +    * Validates that a given type of element (as encoded by the provided 
{@link TypeInformation}) can be
    +    * used as a key in the {@code DataStream.keyBy()} operation.
    +    *
    +    * @return {@code false} if:
    +    * <ol>
    +    *     <li>it is a POJO type but does not override the {@link 
#hashCode()} method and relies on
    +    *     the {@link Object#hashCode()} implementation.</li>
    +    *     <li>it is an array of any type (see {@link 
PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo}, {@link BasicArrayTypeInfo},
    +    *     {@link ObjectArrayTypeInfo}).</li>
    +    * </ol>,
    +    * {@code true} otherwise.
    +    */
    +   private boolean validateKeyTypeIsHashable(TypeInformation<?> type) {
    +           try {
    +                   return (type instanceof PojoTypeInfo) ?
    --- End diff --
    ? and : are typically at the start of a new line.

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