Github user sunjincheng121 commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -1463,21 +1465,23 @@ class CodeGenerator(
       def addReusableFunction(function: UserDefinedFunction): String = {
         val classQualifier = function.getClass.getCanonicalName
    -    val fieldTerm = s"function_${classQualifier.replace('.', '$')}"
    +    val functionSerializedData = serialize(function)
    +    val fieldTerm =
    +      s"""
    +         |function_${classQualifier.replace('.', 
    --- End diff --
    1. You write the above two functions are stateless, there is no problem 
when create a instanse .
    2. In fact, we do not have to worried about the variable name, we build a 
tree, each UDTF node is independent of the codegen.
    So,we can keep named the `fieldTerm = 
function_${classQualifier.replace('.', '$')}`.

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