davidradl commented on code in PR #680:
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink-web/pull/680#discussion_r1371371189

@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+- JingGe:
+  name: "Jing Ge"
+  twitter: jingengineer
+- KonstantinKnauf:
+  name: "Konstantin Knauf"
+  twitter: snntrable
+- SergeyNuyanzin:
+  name: "Sergey Nuyanzin"
+  twitter: uckamello
+- QingshengRen:
+  name: "Qingsheng Ren"
+  twitter: renqstuite
+date: "2023-10-10T08:00:00Z"
+subtitle: ""
+title: Announcing the Release of Apache Flink 1.18
+- /news/2023/10/10/release-1.18.0.html
+The Apache Flink PMC is pleased to announce the release of Apache Flink 
1.18.0. As usual, we are looking at a packed 
+release with a wide variety of improvements and new features. Overall, 174 
people contributed to this release completing 
+18 FLIPS and 700+ issues. Thank you!
+Let's dive into the highlights.
+# Towards a Streaming Lakehouse
+## Flink SQL Improvements
+### Introduce Flink JDBC Driver For SQL Gateway 
+Flink 1.18 comes with a JDBC Driver for the Flink SQL Gateway. So, you can now 
use any SQL Client that supports JDBC to 
+interact with your tables via Flink SQL. Here is an example using 
+sqlline> !connect jdbc:flink://localhost:8083
+sqlline version 1.12.0
+sqlline> !connect jdbc:flink://localhost:8083
+Enter username for jdbc:flink://localhost:8083:
+Enter password for jdbc:flink://localhost:8083:
+0: jdbc:flink://localhost:8083> CREATE TABLE T(
+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .)>      a INT,
+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .)>      b VARCHAR(10)
+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .)>  ) WITH (
+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .)>      'connector' = 'filesystem',
+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .)>      'path' = 'file:///tmp/T.csv',
+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .)>      'format' = 'csv'
+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .)>  );
+No rows affected (0.122 seconds)
+0: jdbc:flink://localhost:8083> INSERT INTO T VALUES (1, 'Hi'), (2, 'Hello');
+|              job id              |
+| fbade1ab4450fc57ebd5269fdf60dcfd |
+1 row selected (1.282 seconds)
+0: jdbc:flink://localhost:8083> SELECT * FROM T;
+| a |   b   |
+| 1 | Hi    |
+| 2 | Hello |
+2 rows selected (1.955 seconds)
+0: jdbc:flink://localhost:8083>
+**More Information**
+* [FLIP-293: Introduce Flink Jdbc Driver For SQL 
+### Stored Procedure Support for Flink Connectors
+Stored procedures have been an indispensable tool in traditional databases,
+offering a convenient way to encapsulate complex logic for data manipulation
+and administrative tasks. They also offer the potential for enhanced
+performance, since they can trigger the handling of data operations directly
+within an external database. Other popular data systems like Trino and Iceberg
+automate and simplify common maintenance tasks into small sets of procedures,
+which greatly reduces users' administrative burden.
+This new update primarily targets developers of Flink connectors, who can now
+predefine custom stored procedures into connectors via the Catalog interface.
+The primary benefit to users is that connector-specific tasks that previously
+may have required writing custom Flink code can now be replaced with simple
+calls that encapsulate, standardize, and potentially optimize the underlying
+operations. Users can execute procedures using the familiar `CALL` syntax, and
+discover a connector's available procedures with `SHOW PROCEDURES`. Stored
+procedures within connectors improves the extensibility of Flink's SQL and
+Table APIs, and should unlock smoother data access and management for users.
+**More Information**
+* [FLIP-311: Support Call Stored 
+### Extended DDL Support
+From this release onwards, Flink supports
+and both these commands and previously supported `CREATE TABLE AS` can now 
support atomicity provided the underlying 
+connector also supports this.
+Moreover, Apache Flink now supports TRUNCATE TABLE in batch execution mode. 
Same as before, the underlying connector needs 
+to implement and provide this capability
+And, finally, we have also implemented support for adding, dropping and 
listing partitions via
+**More Information**
+- [Documentation on 
+- [Documentation on CREATE OR 
+- [Documentation on ALTER 
+- [FLIP-302: Support TRUNCATE TABLE statement in batch 
+- [FLIP-305: Support atomic for CREATE TABLE AS SELECT(CTAS) 
+### Time Traveling
+Flink supports the time travel SQL syntax for querying historical versions of 
data that allows users to specify a point 
+in time and retrieve the data and schema of a table as it appeared at that 
time. With time travel, users can easily 
+analyze and compare historical versions of data.
+**More information**
+- [FLIP-308: Support Time 
+## Streaming Execution Improvements
+### Support Operator-Level State TTL in Table API & SQL
+Starting from Flink 1.18, Table API and SQL users can set state time-to-live 
(TTL) individually for stateful operators.
+This means that for scenarios like stream regular joins, users can now set 
different TTLs for the left and right 
+streams. In previous versions, state expiration could only be controlled at 
the pipeline level using the configuration 
+`table.exec.state.ttl`. With the introduction of operator-level state 
retention, users can now optimize resource 
+usage according to their specific requirements.
+**More Information**
+- [FLIP-292: Enhance COMPILED PLAN to support operator-level state TTL 
+### Watermark Alignment and Idleness Detection in SQL
+You can now configure [watermark 
+and [source idleness 
+in [pure SQL via 
 Previously, these features were only available in the DataStream API.
+**More Information**
+- [FLIP-296: Extend watermark-related features for 
+## Batch Execution Improvements
+### Hybrid Shuffle supports Remote Storage
+Hybrid Shuffle supports storing the shuffle data in remote storage. The remote 
storage path can be configured with the 
+option `taskmanager.network.hybrid-shuffle.remote.path`. Hybrid Shuffle uses 
less network memory than before by 
+decoupling the memory usage from the number of parallelisms, improving the 
stability and ease of use. 
+**More Information**
+* [FLIP-301: Hybrid Shuffle supports Remote 
+### Performance Improvements & TPC-DS Benchmark
+In previous releases, the community worked extensively to improve Flink's 
batch processing performance, which has led to 
+significant improvements. In this release cycle, community contributors 
continued to put significant effort into 
+further improving Flink's batch performance.
+#### Runtime Filter for Flink SQL
+Runtime filter is a common method for optimizing Join performance. It is 
designed to dynamically generate filter 
+conditions for certain Join queries at runtime to reduce the amount of scanned 
or shuffled data, avoid unnecessary I/O 
+and network transmission, and speed up the query. We introduced runtime 
filters in Flink 1.18, and verified its 
+effectiveness through the TPC-DS benchmark, and observed up to 3x speedup for 
some queries by enabling this feature.
+#### Operator Fusion Codegen for Flink SQL
+Operator Fusion Codegen improves the execution performance of a query by 
fusing an operator DAG into a single optimized 
+operator that eliminates virtual function calls, leverages CPU registers for 
intermediate data and reduces the 
+instruction cache miss. As a general technical optimization, we verified its 
effectiveness through TPC-DS, and 
+only some batch operators (Calc, HashAgg, and HashJoin) completed fusion 
codegen support in version 1.18, getting 
+significant performance gains on some query.
+Note that both features are considered experimental and disabled by default in 
Flink 1.18. 
+They can be enabled by using `table.optimizer.runtime-filter.enabled` and 
+Since Flink 1.16, the Apache Flink Community has been continuously tracking 
the performance of its batch engine via the 
+TPC-DS benchmarking framework. After significant improvements in Flink 1.17 
(dynamic join-reordering, 
+dynamic local aggregations), the two improvements described in the previous 
sections (operator fusion, runtime filters) 
+lead to 14% performance improvement compared to Flink 1.17, a 54% performance 
improvement compared to Flink 1.16 on a 
+10T dataset for partitioned tables.
+<div style="text-align: center;">
+<img src="/img/blog/2023-10-10-release-1.18.0/tpc-ds-benchmark.png" 
+**More Information**
+* [FLIP-324: Introduce Runtime Filter for Flink Batch 
+* [FLIP-315: Support Operator Fusion Codegen for Flink 
+* [Benchmarking repository](https://github.com/ververica/flink-sql-benchmark)
+# Towards Cloud-Native Elasticity
+Elasticity describes the ability of a system to adapt to workload changes in a 
non-disruptive, ideally automatic manner.
+It is a defining characteristic of cloud-native systems and for long-running 
streaming workloads it is particularly 
+important. As such, elasticity improvements are an area of continuous 
investment in the Apache Flink community. 
+Recent initiatives include the Kubernetes 
+numerous improvements to rescaling performance and last but not least 
+the [Adaptive 
+The Adaptive Scheduler was first introduced in Flink 1.15 and constitutes a 
centerpiece of a fully-elastic 
+Apache Flink deployment. At its core, it allows jobs to change their resource 
requirements and parallelism during 
+runtime. In addition, it also adapts to the available resources in the cluster 
by only rescaling once the cluster can 
+satisfy the minimum required resources of the job.
+Until Flink 1.18, the adaptive scheduler was primarily used in
+which meant that a single job by design would always use all the available 
resources in the cluster. 
+Please see [this blog 
+how to autoscale Flink Jobs in Reactive Mode using a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler 
on Kubernetes.
+With Flink 1.18 the adaptive scheduler becomes much more powerful and more 
widely applicable and is on a trajectory to 
+becoming the default scheduler for streaming workloads on Apache Flink.
+## Dynamic Fine-Grained Rescaling via REST API
+Despite the underlying capabilities of the Adaptive Scheduler, the ability to 
change the resource requirements of a 
+Job during runtime has not yet been exposed to the end user directly. This 
changes in Flink 1.18. You can now change 
+the parallelism of any individual task of your job via the Flink Web UI and 
REST API while the job is running.
+{{< youtube B1NVDTazsZY >}}
+Under the hood, Apache Flink performs a regular rescaling operation as soon as 
the required resources for the new 
+parallelism have been acquired. The rescaling operation is not based on a 
Savepoint, but on an ordinary, periodic 
+checkpoint, which means it does not introduce any additional snapshot. As you 
can see in the video above, the rescaling
+operation already happens nearly instantaneously and with a very short 
downtime for jobs with small state size.
+In conjunction with the 
+of the Apache Flink Web UI, it is now easier than ever to find and maintain an 
efficient, backpressure-free parallelism 
+for each of the tasks:
+- If a task is very busy (red), you increase the parallelism.
+- If a task is mostly idle (blue), you decrease the parallelism.
+<div style="text-align: center;">
+<img src="/img/blog/2023-10-10-release-1.18.0/backpressure_monitor.png" 
+**More Information**
+* [Documentation](missing)
+* [FLIP-291: Externalized Declarative Resource 
+## Faster Rescaling with RocksDB
+The rescaling times when using RocksDB Statebackend with incremental 
checkpoints have been improved about 30% in the 99th quantile.
+We increased the potential for parallel download from just downloading state 
handles in parallel to downloading individual files in parallel.
+Furthermore, we deactivated write-ahead-logging for batch-inserting into the 
temporary RocksDB instances we use for rescaling.
+<div style="text-align: center;">
+<img src="/img/blog/2023-10-10-release-1.18.0/rescaling_performance.png" 
+**More Information**
+* [FLINK-32326](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-32326)
+* [FLINK-32345](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-32345)
+# Support for Java 17 
+Java 17 was released in 2021 and is the latest long-term support (LTS) release 
of Java with an end-of-life in 2029. 
+So, it was about time that Apache Flink added support for it. What does this 
mean concretely? As of Flink 1.18, you can
+now run Apache Flink on Java 17 and the [official Docker 
repository](https://hub.docker.com/_/flink) includes an image 
+based on Java 17.
+    docker pull flink:1.18.0-java17
+If your cluster runs on Java 17, this of course, also allows you to use Java 
17 features in your user programs and to
+compile it to a target version of Java 17.
+**More Information**
+* [FLINK-15736](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-15736)
+# Others Improvements
+## Production-Ready Watermark Alignment
+Supported as “Beta” since Flink 1.16 and Flink 1.17, 

Review Comment:
   I think the link should be 

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