zentol commented on code in PR #3:

@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+title: Opensearch
+weight: 5
+type: docs
+  - /dev/connectors/opensearch.html
+  - /apis/streaming/connectors/opensearch.html

Review Comment:
   you won't need these since the page didn't exist in the old structures :)

@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+title: Opensearch
+weight: 7
+type: docs
+  - /dev/table/connectors/opensearch.html
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+# Opensearch SQL Connector
+{{< label "Sink: Batch" >}}
+{{< label "Sink: Streaming Append & Upsert Mode" >}}
+The Opensearch connector allows for writing into an index of the Opensearch 
engine. This document describes how to setup the Opensearch Connector to run 
SQL queries against Opensearch.
+The connector can operate in upsert mode for exchanging UPDATE/DELETE messages 
with the external system using the primary key defined on the DDL.
+If no primary key is defined on the DDL, the connector can only operate in 
append mode for exchanging INSERT only messages with external system.
+{{< sql_download_table "opensearch" >}}
+The Opensearch connector is not part of the binary distribution.
+See how to link with it for cluster execution [here]({{< ref 
"docs/dev/configuration/overview" >}}).
+How to create an Opensearch table
+The example below shows how to create an Opensearch sink table:
+CREATE TABLE myUserTable (
+  user_id STRING,
+  user_name STRING,
+  uv BIGINT,
+  pv BIGINT,
+) WITH (
+  'connector' = 'opensearch',
+  'hosts' = 'http://localhost:9200',
+  'index' = 'users'
+Connector Options
+<table class="table table-bordered">
+    <thead>
+      <tr>
+        <th class="text-left" style="width: 25%">Option</th>
+        <th class="text-center" style="width: 8%">Required</th>
+        <th class="text-center" style="width: 8%">Forwarded</th>
+        <th class="text-center" style="width: 7%">Default</th>
+        <th class="text-center" style="width: 10%">Type</th>
+        <th class="text-center" style="width: 42%">Description</th>
+      </tr>
+    </thead>
+    <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <td><h5>connector</h5></td>
+      <td>required</td>
+      <td>no</td>
+      <td style="word-wrap: break-word;">(none)</td>
+      <td>String</td>
+      <td>Specify what connector to use, the valid value is: `opensearch`
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><h5>hosts</h5></td>
+      <td>required</td>
+      <td>yes</td>
+      <td style="word-wrap: break-word;">(none)</td>
+      <td>String</td>
+      <td>One or more Opensearch hosts to connect to, e.g. 
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><h5>index</h5></td>
+      <td>required</td>
+      <td>yes</td>
+      <td style="word-wrap: break-word;">(none)</td>
+      <td>String</td>
+      <td>Opensearch index for every record. Can be a static index (e.g. 
<code>'myIndex'</code>) or
+       a dynamic index (e.g. <code>'index-{log_ts|yyyy-MM-dd}'</code>).
+       See the following <a href="#dynamic-index">Dynamic Index</a> section 
for more details.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><h5>allow-insecure</h5></td>
+      <td>optional</td>
+      <td>yes</td>
+      <td style="word-wrap: break-word;">(none)</td>
+      <td>Boolean</td>
+      <td>Allow insecure connections to `HTTPS` endpoints (disable 
certificates validation).</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><h5>document-id.key-delimiter</h5></td>
+      <td>optional</td>
+      <td>yes</td>
+      <td style="word-wrap: break-word;">_</td>
+      <td>String</td>
+      <td>Delimiter for composite keys ("_" by default), e.g., "$" would 
result in IDs "KEY1$KEY2$KEY3".</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><h5>username</h5></td>
+      <td>optional</td>
+      <td>yes</td>
+      <td style="word-wrap: break-word;">(none)</td>
+      <td>String</td>
+      <td>Username used to connect to Opensearch instance. Please notice that 
Opensearch comes with pre-bundled security feature, you can disable it by 
following the <a 
 on how to configure the security for your Opensearch cluster.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><h5>password</h5></td>
+      <td>optional</td>
+      <td>yes</td>
+      <td style="word-wrap: break-word;">(none)</td>
+      <td>String</td>
+      <td>Password used to connect to Opensearch instance. If 
<code>username</code> is configured, this option must be configured with 
non-empty string as well.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><h5>failure-handler</h5></td>

Review Comment:
   This option doesn't exist in the table connector. you opted for using the 
non-deprecated connector from the table api which doesn't support the failure 

@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+title: Opensearch
+weight: 5
+type: docs
+  - /dev/connectors/opensearch.html
+  - /apis/streaming/connectors/opensearch.html
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+# Opensearch Connector
+This connector provides sinks that can request document actions to an
+[Opensearch](https://opensearch.org/) Index. To use this connector, add 
+the following dependency to your project:
+<table class="table table-bordered">
+  <thead>
+    <tr>
+      <th class="text-left">Opensearch version</th>
+      <th class="text-left">Maven Dependency</th>
+    </tr>
+  </thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+        <td>1.x</td>
+        <td>{{< connector_artifact flink-connector-opensearch 1.0.0 >}}</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td>2.x</td>
+        <td>{{< connector_artifact flink-connector-opensearch 1.0.0 >}}</td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody>
+{{< py_download_link "opensearch" >}}

Review Comment:
   ditto re python (see below)

@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+title: Opensearch
+weight: 5
+type: docs
+  - /dev/connectors/opensearch.html
+  - /apis/streaming/connectors/opensearch.html
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+# Opensearch Connector
+This connector provides sinks that can request document actions to an
+[Opensearch](https://opensearch.org/) Index. To use this connector, add 
+the following dependency to your project:
+<table class="table table-bordered">
+  <thead>
+    <tr>
+      <th class="text-left">Opensearch version</th>
+      <th class="text-left">Maven Dependency</th>
+    </tr>
+  </thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+        <td>1.x</td>
+        <td>{{< connector_artifact flink-connector-opensearch 1.0.0 >}}</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td>2.x</td>
+        <td>{{< connector_artifact flink-connector-opensearch 1.0.0 >}}</td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody>
+{{< py_download_link "opensearch" >}}
+Note that the streaming connectors are currently not part of the binary
+distribution. See [here]({{< ref "docs/dev/configuration/overview" >}}) for 
+about how to package the program with the libraries for cluster execution.
+## Installing Opensearch
+Instructions for setting up an Opensearch cluster can be found
+## Opensearch Sink
+The example below shows how to configure and create a sink:
+{{< tabs "51732edd-4218-470e-adad-b1ebb4021ae4" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.MapFunction;
+import org.apache.flink.connector.opensearch.sink.OpensearchSinkBuilder;
+import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream;
+import org.apache.http.HttpHost;
+import org.opensearch.action.index.IndexRequest;
+import org.opensearch.client.Requests;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+DataStream<String> input = ...;
+    new OpensearchSinkBuilder<String>()
+        .setBulkFlushMaxActions(1) // Instructs the sink to emit after every 
element, otherwise they would be buffered
+        .setHosts(new HttpHost("", 9200, "http"))
+        .setEmitter(
+        (element, context, indexer) ->
+        indexer.add(createIndexRequest(element)))
+        .build());
+private static IndexRequest createIndexRequest(String element) {
+    Map<String, Object> json = new HashMap<>();
+    json.put("data", element);
+    return Requests.indexRequest()
+        .index("my-index")
+        .id(element)
+        .source(json);
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< tab "Scala" >}}
+import org.apache.flink.api.connector.sink.SinkWriter
+import org.apache.flink.connector.opensearch.sink.{OpensearchSinkBuilder, 
+import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream
+import org.apache.http.HttpHost
+import org.opensearch.action.index.IndexRequest
+import org.opensearch.client.Requests
+val input: DataStream[String] = ...
+  new OpensearchSinkBuilder[String]
+    .setBulkFlushMaxActions(1) // Instructs the sink to emit after every 
element, otherwise they would be buffered
+    .setHosts(new HttpHost("", 9200, "http"))
+    .setEmitter((element: String, context: SinkWriter.Context, indexer: 
RequestIndexer) => 
+    indexer.add(createIndexRequest(element)))
+    .build())
+def createIndexRequest(element: (String)): IndexRequest = {
+  val json = Map(
+    "data" -> element.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
+  )
+  Requests.indexRequest.index("my-index").source(mapAsJavaMap(json))
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< tab "Python" >}}
+Opensearch static index:
+from pyflink.datastream.connectors.opensearch import OpensearchSinkBuilder, 
+env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
+input = ...
+# The set_bulk_flush_max_actions instructs the sink to emit after every 
element, otherwise they would be buffered
+os_sink = OpensearchSinkBuilder() \
+    .set_bulk_flush_max_actions(1) \
+    .set_emitter(OpensearchEmitter.static('foo', 'id')) \
+    .set_hosts(['localhost:9200']) \
+    .build()
+input.sink_to(os_sink).name('os sink')
+Opensearch dynamic index:
+from pyflink.datastream.connectors.opensearch import OpensearchSinkBuilder, 
+env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
+input = ...
+os_sink = OpensearchSinkBuilder() \
+    .set_emitter(OpensearchEmitter.dynamic_index('name', 'id')) \
+    .set_hosts(['localhost:9200']) \
+    .build()
+input.sink_to(os_sink).name('os dynamic index sink')
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+Note that the example only demonstrates performing a single index
+request for each incoming element. Generally, the `OpensearchEmitter`
+can be used to perform requests of different types (ex.,
+`DeleteRequest`, `UpdateRequest`, etc.). 
+Internally, each parallel instance of the Flink Opensearch Sink uses
+a `BulkProcessor` to send action requests to the cluster.
+This will buffer elements before sending them in bulk to the cluster. The 
+executes bulk requests one at a time, i.e. there will be no two concurrent
+flushes of the buffered actions in progress.
+### Opensearch Sinks and Fault Tolerance
+With Flink’s checkpointing enabled, the Flink Opensearch Sink guarantees
+at-least-once delivery of action requests to Opensearch clusters. It does
+so by waiting for all pending action requests in the `BulkProcessor` at the
+time of checkpoints. This effectively assures that all requests before the
+checkpoint was triggered have been successfully acknowledged by Opensearch, 
+proceeding to process more records sent to the sink.
+More details on checkpoints and fault tolerance are in the [fault tolerance 
docs]({{< ref "docs/learn-flink/fault_tolerance" >}}).
+To use fault tolerant Opensearch Sinks, checkpointing of the topology needs to 
be enabled at the execution environment:
+{{< tabs "d00d1e93-4844-40d7-b0ec-9ec37e73145e" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = 
+env.enableCheckpointing(5000); // checkpoint every 5000 msecs
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< tab "Scala" >}}
+val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment()
+env.enableCheckpointing(5000) // checkpoint every 5000 msecs
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< tab "Python" >}}
+env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
+# checkpoint every 5000 msecs
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+<p style="border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px" class="bg-info">
+<b>IMPORTANT</b>: Checkpointing is not enabled by default but the default 
delivery guarantee is `AT_LEAST_ONCE`.
+This causes the sink to buffer requests until it either finishes or the 
`BulkProcessor` flushes automatically. 
+By default, the `BulkProcessor` will flush after `1000` added actions. To 
configure the processor to flush more frequently, please refer to the <a 
href="#configuring-the-internal-bulk-processor">BulkProcessor configuration 
+<p style="border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px" class="bg-info">
+Using `UpdateRequests` with deterministic IDs and the upsert method it is 
possible to achieve exactly-once semantics in Opensearch when `AT_LEAST_ONCE` 
delivery is configured for the connector.
+### Handling Failing Opensearch Requests
+Opensearch action requests may fail due to a variety of reasons, including
+temporarily saturated node queue capacity or malformed documents to be indexed.
+The Flink Opensearch Sink allows the user to retry requests by specifying a 
+Below is an example:
+{{< tabs "ddb958b3-5dd5-476e-b946-ace3335628b2" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+DataStream<String> input = ...;
+    new OpensearchSinkBuilder<String>()
+        .setHosts(new HttpHost("", 9200, "http"))
+        .setEmitter(
+        (element, context, indexer) ->
+        indexer.add(createIndexRequest(element)))
+        // This enables an exponential backoff retry mechanism, with a maximum 
of 5 retries and an initial delay of 1000 milliseconds
+        .setBulkFlushBackoffStrategy(FlushBackoffType.EXPONENTIAL, 5, 1000)
+        .build());
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< tab "Scala" >}}
+val input: DataStream[String] = ...
+  new OpensearchSinkBuilder[String]
+    .setHosts(new HttpHost("", 9200, "http"))
+    .setEmitter((element: String, context: SinkWriter.Context, indexer: 
RequestIndexer) => 
+    indexer.add(createIndexRequest(element)))
+    // This enables an exponential backoff retry mechanism, with a maximum of 
5 retries and an initial delay of 1000 milliseconds
+    .setBulkFlushBackoffStrategy(FlushBackoffType.EXPONENTIAL, 5, 1000)
+    .build())
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< tab "Python" >}}

Review Comment:
   The python API doesn't support this connector. (Needs a compatibility layer 
that currently has be added to Flink)

@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+title: Opensearch
+weight: 7
+type: docs
+  - /dev/table/connectors/opensearch.html
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+# Opensearch SQL Connector
+{{< label "Sink: Batch" >}}
+{{< label "Sink: Streaming Append & Upsert Mode" >}}
+The Opensearch connector allows for writing into an index of the Opensearch 
engine. This document describes how to setup the Opensearch Connector to run 
SQL queries against Opensearch.
+The connector can operate in upsert mode for exchanging UPDATE/DELETE messages 
with the external system using the primary key defined on the DDL.
+If no primary key is defined on the DDL, the connector can only operate in 
append mode for exchanging INSERT only messages with external system.
+{{< sql_download_table "opensearch" >}}
+The Opensearch connector is not part of the binary distribution.
+See how to link with it for cluster execution [here]({{< ref 
"docs/dev/configuration/overview" >}}).
+How to create an Opensearch table
+The example below shows how to create an Opensearch sink table:
+CREATE TABLE myUserTable (
+  user_id STRING,
+  user_name STRING,
+  uv BIGINT,
+  pv BIGINT,
+) WITH (
+  'connector' = 'opensearch',
+  'hosts' = 'http://localhost:9200',
+  'index' = 'users'
+Connector Options

Review Comment:
   missing connection.timeout, socket.timeout, and possibly others.
   This must be in sync with `OpensearchConnectorOptions`.

@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+title: Opensearch
+weight: 5
+type: docs
+  - /dev/connectors/opensearch.html
+  - /apis/streaming/connectors/opensearch.html
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+# Opensearch Connector
+This connector provides sinks that can request document actions to an
+[Opensearch](https://opensearch.org/) Index. To use this connector, add 
+the following dependency to your project:
+<table class="table table-bordered">
+  <thead>
+    <tr>
+      <th class="text-left">Opensearch version</th>
+      <th class="text-left">Maven Dependency</th>
+    </tr>
+  </thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+        <td>1.x</td>
+        <td>{{< connector_artifact flink-connector-opensearch 1.0.0 >}}</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td>2.x</td>
+        <td>{{< connector_artifact flink-connector-opensearch 1.0.0 >}}</td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody>
+{{< py_download_link "opensearch" >}}
+Note that the streaming connectors are currently not part of the binary
+distribution. See [here]({{< ref "docs/dev/configuration/overview" >}}) for 
+about how to package the program with the libraries for cluster execution.
+## Installing Opensearch
+Instructions for setting up an Opensearch cluster can be found
+## Opensearch Sink
+The example below shows how to configure and create a sink:
+{{< tabs "51732edd-4218-470e-adad-b1ebb4021ae4" >}}
+{{< tab "Java" >}}
+import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.MapFunction;
+import org.apache.flink.connector.opensearch.sink.OpensearchSinkBuilder;
+import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream;
+import org.apache.http.HttpHost;
+import org.opensearch.action.index.IndexRequest;
+import org.opensearch.client.Requests;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+DataStream<String> input = ...;
+    new OpensearchSinkBuilder<String>()
+        .setBulkFlushMaxActions(1) // Instructs the sink to emit after every 
element, otherwise they would be buffered
+        .setHosts(new HttpHost("", 9200, "http"))
+        .setEmitter(
+        (element, context, indexer) ->
+        indexer.add(createIndexRequest(element)))
+        .build());
+private static IndexRequest createIndexRequest(String element) {
+    Map<String, Object> json = new HashMap<>();
+    json.put("data", element);
+    return Requests.indexRequest()
+        .index("my-index")
+        .id(element)
+        .source(json);
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< tab "Scala" >}}
+import org.apache.flink.api.connector.sink.SinkWriter
+import org.apache.flink.connector.opensearch.sink.{OpensearchSinkBuilder, 
+import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream
+import org.apache.http.HttpHost
+import org.opensearch.action.index.IndexRequest
+import org.opensearch.client.Requests
+val input: DataStream[String] = ...
+  new OpensearchSinkBuilder[String]
+    .setBulkFlushMaxActions(1) // Instructs the sink to emit after every 
element, otherwise they would be buffered
+    .setHosts(new HttpHost("", 9200, "http"))
+    .setEmitter((element: String, context: SinkWriter.Context, indexer: 
RequestIndexer) => 
+    indexer.add(createIndexRequest(element)))
+    .build())
+def createIndexRequest(element: (String)): IndexRequest = {
+  val json = Map(
+    "data" -> element.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
+  )
+  Requests.indexRequest.index("my-index").source(mapAsJavaMap(json))
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< tab "Python" >}}
+Opensearch static index:
+from pyflink.datastream.connectors.opensearch import OpensearchSinkBuilder, 
+env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
+input = ...
+# The set_bulk_flush_max_actions instructs the sink to emit after every 
element, otherwise they would be buffered
+os_sink = OpensearchSinkBuilder() \
+    .set_bulk_flush_max_actions(1) \
+    .set_emitter(OpensearchEmitter.static('foo', 'id')) \
+    .set_hosts(['localhost:9200']) \
+    .build()
+input.sink_to(os_sink).name('os sink')
+Opensearch dynamic index:
+from pyflink.datastream.connectors.opensearch import OpensearchSinkBuilder, 
+env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
+input = ...
+os_sink = OpensearchSinkBuilder() \
+    .set_emitter(OpensearchEmitter.dynamic_index('name', 'id')) \
+    .set_hosts(['localhost:9200']) \
+    .build()
+input.sink_to(os_sink).name('os dynamic index sink')
+{{< /tab >}}
+{{< /tabs >}}
+Note that the example only demonstrates performing a single index
+request for each incoming element. Generally, the `OpensearchEmitter`
+can be used to perform requests of different types (ex.,
+`DeleteRequest`, `UpdateRequest`, etc.). 
+Internally, each parallel instance of the Flink Opensearch Sink uses
+a `BulkProcessor` to send action requests to the cluster.
+This will buffer elements before sending them in bulk to the cluster. The 
+executes bulk requests one at a time, i.e. there will be no two concurrent
+flushes of the buffered actions in progress.
+### Opensearch Sinks and Fault Tolerance
+With Flink’s checkpointing enabled, the Flink Opensearch Sink guarantees
+at-least-once delivery of action requests to Opensearch clusters. It does
+so by waiting for all pending action requests in the `BulkProcessor` at the
+time of checkpoints. This effectively assures that all requests before the
+checkpoint was triggered have been successfully acknowledged by Opensearch, 
+proceeding to process more records sent to the sink.
+More details on checkpoints and fault tolerance are in the [fault tolerance 
docs]({{< ref "docs/learn-flink/fault_tolerance" >}}).
+To use fault tolerant Opensearch Sinks, checkpointing of the topology needs to 
be enabled at the execution environment:
+{{< tabs "d00d1e93-4844-40d7-b0ec-9ec37e73145e" >}}

Review Comment:
   This should use a different id. Can be anything really; just make it 
different than the ES one.

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