lindong28 commented on code in PR #20454:

@@ -312,26 +446,81 @@ private void checkpointCoordinatorInternal(
                             } else if (closeGateways(checkpointId)) {
completeCheckpointOnceEventsAreDone(checkpointId, result, success);
                             } else {
-                                // if we cannot close the gateway, this means 
the checkpoint
-                                // has been aborted before, so the future is 
-                                // completed exceptionally. but we try to 
complete it here
-                                // again, just in case, as a safety net.
+                                // if we cannot close the gateway, this means 
the checkpoint has
+                                // been aborted before, so the future is 
already completed
+                                // exceptionally. but we try to complete it 
here again, just in
+                                // case, as a safety net.
                                         new FlinkException("Cannot close 
                             return null;
-        try {
-            subtaskGatewayMap.forEach(
-                    (subtask, gateway) -> 
-            coordinator.checkpointCoordinator(checkpointId, 
-        } catch (Throwable t) {
-            ExceptionUtils.rethrowIfFatalErrorOrOOM(t);
-            result.completeExceptionally(t);
-            globalFailureHandler.handleGlobalFailure(t);
+        FutureUtils.combineAll(acknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureMap.values())
+                .handleAsync(
+                        (success, failure) -> {
+                            if (failure != null) {
+                                result.completeExceptionally(failure);
+                            } else {
+                                try {
+                                    coordinator.checkpointCoordinator(
+                                            checkpointId, 
+                                } catch (Throwable t) {
+                                    ExceptionUtils.rethrowIfFatalErrorOrOOM(t);
+                                    result.completeExceptionally(t);
+                                }
+                            }
+                            return null;
+                        },
+                        mainThreadExecutor);
+    }
+    private void abortAllPendingAcknowledgeCloseGatewayFutures(String message) 
+        acknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureMap
+                .values()
+                .forEach(x -> x.completeExceptionally(new 
+        acknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureMap.clear();
+    }
+    private void completeAndRemoveAcknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureExceptionally(

Review Comment:
   This name is inconsistent with 
   How about `abortAcknowledgeCloseGatewayFuture(...)`?

@@ -312,26 +446,81 @@ private void checkpointCoordinatorInternal(
                             } else if (closeGateways(checkpointId)) {
completeCheckpointOnceEventsAreDone(checkpointId, result, success);
                             } else {
-                                // if we cannot close the gateway, this means 
the checkpoint
-                                // has been aborted before, so the future is 
-                                // completed exceptionally. but we try to 
complete it here
-                                // again, just in case, as a safety net.
+                                // if we cannot close the gateway, this means 
the checkpoint has
+                                // been aborted before, so the future is 
already completed
+                                // exceptionally. but we try to complete it 
here again, just in
+                                // case, as a safety net.
                                         new FlinkException("Cannot close 
                             return null;
-        try {
-            subtaskGatewayMap.forEach(
-                    (subtask, gateway) -> 
-            coordinator.checkpointCoordinator(checkpointId, 
-        } catch (Throwable t) {
-            ExceptionUtils.rethrowIfFatalErrorOrOOM(t);
-            result.completeExceptionally(t);
-            globalFailureHandler.handleGlobalFailure(t);
+        FutureUtils.combineAll(acknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureMap.values())
+                .handleAsync(
+                        (success, failure) -> {
+                            if (failure != null) {
+                                result.completeExceptionally(failure);
+                            } else {
+                                try {
+                                    coordinator.checkpointCoordinator(
+                                            checkpointId, 
+                                } catch (Throwable t) {
+                                    ExceptionUtils.rethrowIfFatalErrorOrOOM(t);
+                                    result.completeExceptionally(t);
+                                }
+                            }
+                            return null;
+                        },
+                        mainThreadExecutor);
+    }
+    private void abortAllPendingAcknowledgeCloseGatewayFutures(String message) 
+        acknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureMap
+                .values()
+                .forEach(x -> x.completeExceptionally(new 
+        acknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureMap.clear();
+    }
+    private void completeAndRemoveAcknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureExceptionally(
+            int subtask, String message, @Nullable Throwable reason) {
+        if (acknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureMap.containsKey(subtask)) {
+            Exception exception = new FlinkException(message, reason);
+        }
+    }
+    private void completeAndRemoveAcknowledgeCloseGatewayFuture(int subtask, 
long checkpointId) {

Review Comment:
   It seems simpler to name it `completeAcknowledgeCloseGatewayFuture()` for 
the same reason mentioned above.
   Whether this entry is kept in the map is an implementation detail. And it 
makes no sense to keep a completed future in the map.

@@ -151,6 +166,10 @@ private OperatorCoordinatorHolder(
         this.operatorMaxParallelism = operatorMaxParallelism;
         this.subtaskGatewayMap = new HashMap<>();
+        this.acknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureMap = new HashMap<>();
+        this.currentPendingCheckpointId = NO_CHECKPOINT;

Review Comment:
   It seems better to use `this.currentPendingCheckpointId = 
OperatorCoordinator.NO_CHECKPOINT` directly to be consistent with existing code 
that reads `NO_CHECKPOINT`.

@@ -299,9 +364,78 @@ public void resetToCheckpoint(long checkpointId, @Nullable 
byte[] checkpointData
     private void checkpointCoordinatorInternal(
-            final long checkpointId, final CompletableFuture<byte[]> result) {
+            long checkpointId, CompletableFuture<byte[]> result) {
+        try {
+            if (currentPendingCheckpointId != NO_CHECKPOINT
+                    && currentPendingCheckpointId != checkpointId) {
+                throw new IllegalStateException(
+                        String.format(
+                                "Cannot checkpoint coordinator for checkpoint 
%d, "
+                                        + "since checkpoint %d has already 
+                                checkpointId, currentPendingCheckpointId));
+            }
+            if (latestAttemptedCheckpointId >= checkpointId) {
+                throw new IllegalStateException(
+                        String.format(
+                                "Regressing checkpoint IDs. Previous 
checkpointId = %d, new checkpointId = %d",
+                                latestAttemptedCheckpointId, checkpointId));
+            }
+            subtaskGatewayMap.forEach(
+                    (subtask, gateway) -> 
+        } catch (Throwable t) {
+            result.completeExceptionally(t);
+            globalFailureHandler.handleGlobalFailure(t);
+            return;
+        }
+        currentPendingCheckpointId = checkpointId;
+        latestAttemptedCheckpointId = checkpointId;
+        for (int subtask : subtaskGatewayMap.keySet()) {
+            acknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureMap.put(subtask, new 
+            final OperatorEvent closeGatewayEvent = new 
CloseGatewayEvent(checkpointId, subtask);
+            subtaskGatewayMap
+                    .get(subtask)
+                    .sendEventWithCallBackOnCompletion(
+                            closeGatewayEvent,
+                            (success, failure) -> {
+                                if (failure != null) {
+                                    // If the close gateway event failed to 
reach the subtask for
+                                    // some reason, the coordinator would 
trigger a fail-over on
+                                    // the subtask if the subtask is still 
running. This behavior
+                                    // also guarantees that the coordinator 
won't receive more
+                                    // events from this subtask before the 
current checkpoint
+                                    // finishes, which is equivalent to 
receiving ACK from this
+                                    // subtask.
+                                    if (!(failure instanceof 
TaskNotRunningException)) {
+                                        boolean isFailoverTriggered =
+                                                subtaskGatewayMap
+                                                        .get(subtask)

Review Comment:
   Do we need to preserve `Runnables.assertNoException(...)` here?

@@ -299,9 +364,78 @@ public void resetToCheckpoint(long checkpointId, @Nullable 
byte[] checkpointData
     private void checkpointCoordinatorInternal(
-            final long checkpointId, final CompletableFuture<byte[]> result) {
+            long checkpointId, CompletableFuture<byte[]> result) {
+        try {
+            if (currentPendingCheckpointId != NO_CHECKPOINT
+                    && currentPendingCheckpointId != checkpointId) {
+                throw new IllegalStateException(
+                        String.format(
+                                "Cannot checkpoint coordinator for checkpoint 
%d, "
+                                        + "since checkpoint %d has already 
+                                checkpointId, currentPendingCheckpointId));
+            }
+            if (latestAttemptedCheckpointId >= checkpointId) {
+                throw new IllegalStateException(
+                        String.format(
+                                "Regressing checkpoint IDs. Previous 
checkpointId = %d, new checkpointId = %d",
+                                latestAttemptedCheckpointId, checkpointId));
+            }
+            subtaskGatewayMap.forEach(
+                    (subtask, gateway) -> 
+        } catch (Throwable t) {
+            result.completeExceptionally(t);
+            globalFailureHandler.handleGlobalFailure(t);
+            return;
+        }
+        currentPendingCheckpointId = checkpointId;
+        latestAttemptedCheckpointId = checkpointId;
+        for (int subtask : subtaskGatewayMap.keySet()) {
+            acknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureMap.put(subtask, new 
+            final OperatorEvent closeGatewayEvent = new 
CloseGatewayEvent(checkpointId, subtask);
+            subtaskGatewayMap
+                    .get(subtask)
+                    .sendEventWithCallBackOnCompletion(
+                            closeGatewayEvent,
+                            (success, failure) -> {
+                                if (failure != null) {
+                                    // If the close gateway event failed to 
reach the subtask for
+                                    // some reason, the coordinator would 
trigger a fail-over on
+                                    // the subtask if the subtask is still 
running. This behavior
+                                    // also guarantees that the coordinator 
won't receive more
+                                    // events from this subtask before the 
current checkpoint
+                                    // finishes, which is equivalent to 
receiving ACK from this
+                                    // subtask.
+                                    if (!(failure instanceof 
TaskNotRunningException)) {
+                                        boolean isFailoverTriggered =
+                                                subtaskGatewayMap
+                                                        .get(subtask)
closeGatewayEvent, failure);
+                                        if (isFailoverTriggered) {

Review Comment:
   Prior to this PR, the `result` is completed with exception if `failure != 
null`. This behavior seems pretty intuitive.
   Can you explain why we should complete `result` successfully if 
`isFailoverTriggered == false`? Would it be simpler to remove this check?

@@ -220,12 +228,11 @@ void openGatewayAndUnmarkCheckpoint(long checkpointId) {
         // Gateways should always be marked and closed for a specific 
checkpoint before it can be
         // reopened for that checkpoint. If a gateway is to be opened for an 
unforeseen checkpoint,
-        // exceptions should be thrown.
+        // which might happen when the coordinator has been reset to a 
previous checkpoint, warn
+        // messages should be recorded.
         if (lastCheckpointId < checkpointId) {
-            throw new IllegalStateException(
-                    String.format(
-                            "Gateway closed for different checkpoint: closed 
for = %d, expected = %d",
-                            currentCheckpointId, checkpointId));
+            LOG.warn("Trying to open gateway for unknown checkpoint: " + 

Review Comment:
   Can you explain when we can have `lastCheckpointId < checkpointId`?
   Why this was not a problem before we update operator coordinator?

@@ -75,6 +92,24 @@ void dispatchEventToHandlers(
+    void initializeOperatorEventGatewayState(
+            OperatorID operator, OperatorStateStore operatorStateStore) throws 
Exception {
+        getOperatorEventGateway(operator).initializeState(operatorStateStore);
+    }
+    void snapshotOperatorEventGatewayState(

Review Comment:
   snapshotOperatorEventGatewayState -> snapshotOperatorEventGateway

@@ -312,26 +446,81 @@ private void checkpointCoordinatorInternal(
                             } else if (closeGateways(checkpointId)) {
completeCheckpointOnceEventsAreDone(checkpointId, result, success);
                             } else {
-                                // if we cannot close the gateway, this means 
the checkpoint
-                                // has been aborted before, so the future is 
-                                // completed exceptionally. but we try to 
complete it here
-                                // again, just in case, as a safety net.
+                                // if we cannot close the gateway, this means 
the checkpoint has
+                                // been aborted before, so the future is 
already completed
+                                // exceptionally. but we try to complete it 
here again, just in
+                                // case, as a safety net.
                                         new FlinkException("Cannot close 
                             return null;
-        try {
-            subtaskGatewayMap.forEach(
-                    (subtask, gateway) -> 
-            coordinator.checkpointCoordinator(checkpointId, 
-        } catch (Throwable t) {
-            ExceptionUtils.rethrowIfFatalErrorOrOOM(t);
-            result.completeExceptionally(t);
-            globalFailureHandler.handleGlobalFailure(t);
+        FutureUtils.combineAll(acknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureMap.values())
+                .handleAsync(
+                        (success, failure) -> {
+                            if (failure != null) {
+                                result.completeExceptionally(failure);
+                            } else {
+                                try {
+                                    coordinator.checkpointCoordinator(
+                                            checkpointId, 
+                                } catch (Throwable t) {
+                                    ExceptionUtils.rethrowIfFatalErrorOrOOM(t);
+                                    result.completeExceptionally(t);
+                                }
+                            }
+                            return null;
+                        },
+                        mainThreadExecutor);
+    }
+    private void abortAllPendingAcknowledgeCloseGatewayFutures(String message) 
+        acknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureMap
+                .values()
+                .forEach(x -> x.completeExceptionally(new 
+        acknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureMap.clear();
+    }
+    private void completeAndRemoveAcknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureExceptionally(
+            int subtask, String message, @Nullable Throwable reason) {
+        if (acknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureMap.containsKey(subtask)) {
+            Exception exception = new FlinkException(message, reason);
+        }
+    }
+    private void completeAndRemoveAcknowledgeCloseGatewayFuture(int subtask, 
long checkpointId) {
+        if (tryLogUnknownCheckpointId(checkpointId)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        // The coordinator holder may receive an acknowledgement event after 
the checkpoint
+        // corresponding to the event has been aborted, or even after a new 
checkpoint has started.
+        // The acknowledgement event should be ignored in these cases.
+        if (checkpointId < latestAttemptedCheckpointId) {
+            return;
+        if (acknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureMap.containsKey(subtask)) {
+        }
+    }
+    private boolean tryLogUnknownCheckpointId(long checkpointId) {

Review Comment:
   `tryLogUnknownCheckpointId` -> `IsUnknownCheckpointId`.

@@ -312,26 +446,81 @@ private void checkpointCoordinatorInternal(
                             } else if (closeGateways(checkpointId)) {
completeCheckpointOnceEventsAreDone(checkpointId, result, success);
                             } else {
-                                // if we cannot close the gateway, this means 
the checkpoint
-                                // has been aborted before, so the future is 
-                                // completed exceptionally. but we try to 
complete it here
-                                // again, just in case, as a safety net.
+                                // if we cannot close the gateway, this means 
the checkpoint has
+                                // been aborted before, so the future is 
already completed
+                                // exceptionally. but we try to complete it 
here again, just in
+                                // case, as a safety net.
                                         new FlinkException("Cannot close 
                             return null;
-        try {
-            subtaskGatewayMap.forEach(
-                    (subtask, gateway) -> 
-            coordinator.checkpointCoordinator(checkpointId, 
-        } catch (Throwable t) {
-            ExceptionUtils.rethrowIfFatalErrorOrOOM(t);
-            result.completeExceptionally(t);
-            globalFailureHandler.handleGlobalFailure(t);
+        FutureUtils.combineAll(acknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureMap.values())
+                .handleAsync(
+                        (success, failure) -> {
+                            if (failure != null) {
+                                result.completeExceptionally(failure);
+                            } else {
+                                try {
+                                    coordinator.checkpointCoordinator(
+                                            checkpointId, 
+                                } catch (Throwable t) {
+                                    ExceptionUtils.rethrowIfFatalErrorOrOOM(t);
+                                    result.completeExceptionally(t);
+                                }
+                            }
+                            return null;
+                        },
+                        mainThreadExecutor);
+    }
+    private void abortAllPendingAcknowledgeCloseGatewayFutures(String message) 

Review Comment:
   How about `abortAcknowledgeCloseGatewayFutures()`?

@@ -312,26 +446,81 @@ private void checkpointCoordinatorInternal(
                             } else if (closeGateways(checkpointId)) {
completeCheckpointOnceEventsAreDone(checkpointId, result, success);
                             } else {
-                                // if we cannot close the gateway, this means 
the checkpoint
-                                // has been aborted before, so the future is 
-                                // completed exceptionally. but we try to 
complete it here
-                                // again, just in case, as a safety net.
+                                // if we cannot close the gateway, this means 
the checkpoint has
+                                // been aborted before, so the future is 
already completed
+                                // exceptionally. but we try to complete it 
here again, just in
+                                // case, as a safety net.
                                         new FlinkException("Cannot close 
                             return null;
-        try {
-            subtaskGatewayMap.forEach(
-                    (subtask, gateway) -> 
-            coordinator.checkpointCoordinator(checkpointId, 
-        } catch (Throwable t) {
-            ExceptionUtils.rethrowIfFatalErrorOrOOM(t);
-            result.completeExceptionally(t);
-            globalFailureHandler.handleGlobalFailure(t);
+        FutureUtils.combineAll(acknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureMap.values())
+                .handleAsync(
+                        (success, failure) -> {
+                            if (failure != null) {
+                                result.completeExceptionally(failure);
+                            } else {
+                                try {
+                                    coordinator.checkpointCoordinator(
+                                            checkpointId, 
+                                } catch (Throwable t) {
+                                    ExceptionUtils.rethrowIfFatalErrorOrOOM(t);
+                                    result.completeExceptionally(t);
+                                }
+                            }
+                            return null;
+                        },
+                        mainThreadExecutor);
+    }
+    private void abortAllPendingAcknowledgeCloseGatewayFutures(String message) 
+        acknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureMap
+                .values()
+                .forEach(x -> x.completeExceptionally(new 
+        acknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureMap.clear();
+    }
+    private void completeAndRemoveAcknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureExceptionally(
+            int subtask, String message, @Nullable Throwable reason) {
+        if (acknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureMap.containsKey(subtask)) {
+            Exception exception = new FlinkException(message, reason);
+        }
+    }
+    private void completeAndRemoveAcknowledgeCloseGatewayFuture(int subtask, 
long checkpointId) {
+        if (tryLogUnknownCheckpointId(checkpointId)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        // The coordinator holder may receive an acknowledgement event after 
the checkpoint
+        // corresponding to the event has been aborted, or even after a new 
checkpoint has started.
+        // The acknowledgement event should be ignored in these cases.
+        if (checkpointId < latestAttemptedCheckpointId) {
+            return;
+        if (acknowledgeCloseGatewayFutureMap.containsKey(subtask)) {
+        }
+    }
+    private boolean tryLogUnknownCheckpointId(long checkpointId) {
+        // This case might happen when the coordinator has been reset to a 
previous checkpoint, and

Review Comment:
   Remove `, and warn messages should be recorded` for simplicity.

@@ -127,6 +130,15 @@
     private final Map<Integer, SubtaskGatewayImpl> subtaskGatewayMap;
+    /**
+     * A map that manages a completable future for each subtask. It helps to 
guarantee that when the

Review Comment:
   The sentence `It helps to guarantee that when ... until the checkpoint is 
completed or aborted` seems unrelated to the semantics of this variable. It 
seems simpler to remove this part.
   And it seems useful to mention the semantics of this map w.r.t. 
`currentPendingCheckpointId`. After all, the future is completed successfully 
iff the current execution of the given subtask has successfully completed the 
checkpoint whose id = `currentPendingCheckpointId`.

@@ -83,41 +118,98 @@ public void registerEventHandler(OperatorID operator, 
OperatorEventHandler handl
-    Set<OperatorID> getRegisteredOperators() {
-        return handlers.keySet();
+    boolean containsOperatorEventGateway(OperatorID operatorId) {

Review Comment:
   Would it be simpler to remove this method and put the check the above three 
   We can rename these methods as either `maybeXXX` or `XXXIfExists`.

@@ -75,6 +92,24 @@ void dispatchEventToHandlers(
+    void initializeOperatorEventGatewayState(

Review Comment:
   initializeOperatorEventGatewayState -> initializeOperatorEventGateway

@@ -75,6 +92,24 @@ void dispatchEventToHandlers(
+    void initializeOperatorEventGatewayState(
+            OperatorID operator, OperatorStateStore operatorStateStore) throws 
Exception {
+        getOperatorEventGateway(operator).initializeState(operatorStateStore);
+    }
+    void snapshotOperatorEventGatewayState(
+            OperatorID operator, OperatorStateStore operatorStateStore) throws 
Exception {
+        getOperatorEventGateway(operator).snapshotState(operatorStateStore);
+    }
+    void notifyOperatorSnapshotStateCompleted(

Review Comment:
   notifyOperatorSnapshotStateCompleted -> notifyOperatorSnapshotCompleted

@@ -220,12 +228,11 @@ void openGatewayAndUnmarkCheckpoint(long checkpointId) {
         // Gateways should always be marked and closed for a specific 
checkpoint before it can be
         // reopened for that checkpoint. If a gateway is to be opened for an 
unforeseen checkpoint,
-        // exceptions should be thrown.
+        // which might happen when the coordinator has been reset to a 
previous checkpoint, warn
+        // messages should be recorded.
         if (lastCheckpointId < checkpointId) {
-            throw new IllegalStateException(
-                    String.format(
-                            "Gateway closed for different checkpoint: closed 
for = %d, expected = %d",
-                            currentCheckpointId, checkpointId));
+            LOG.warn("Trying to open gateway for unknown checkpoint: " + 

Review Comment:
   Can you explain when we can have `lastCheckpointId < checkpointId`?
   Why this was not a problem before we update operator coordinator?

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