becketqin commented on a change in pull request #17276:

File path: 
@@ -353,17 +353,19 @@ private void acquireAndSetStoppingOffsets(
             Set<TopicPartition> partitionsStoppingAtCommitted) {
         Map<TopicPartition, Long> endOffset = 
-        consumer.committed(partitionsStoppingAtCommitted)
-                .forEach(
-                        (tp, offsetAndMetadata) -> {
-                            Preconditions.checkNotNull(
-                                    offsetAndMetadata,
-                                    String.format(
-                                            "Partition %s should stop at 
committed offset. "
-                                                    + "But there is no 
committed offset of this partition for group %s",
-                                            tp, groupId));
-                            stoppingOffsets.put(tp, 
-                        });
+        if (!partitionsStoppingAtCommitted.isEmpty()) {

Review comment:
       Why is this needed?

File path: 
@@ -481,5 +489,24 @@ private void sanityCheck() {
                 "No subscribe mode is specified, "
                         + "should be one of topics, topic pattern and 
partition set.");
         checkNotNull(deserializationSchema, "Deserialization schema is 
required but not provided.");
+        // Check consumer group ID
+        checkState(
+                props.containsKey(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG) || 
+                String.format(
+                        "Property %s is required when offset commit is 
+                        ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG));
+    }

Review comment:
       Ideally, we should probably also throw exception if the committedOffsets 
initializer is used when group id was not specified. It is a little tricky 
because `ReaderHandledOffsetsInitializerader` is package private. 
   One possible solution is to have an `OffsetInitializerValidator` interface. 
If an `OffsetInitializer` needs to be validated, it can implement that 
interface and the `KafkaSourceBuilder` will then validate the properties 
against that `OffsetInitializer`. At the beginning this interface could be 
private. We may consider exposing it to end users later if that turns out to be 

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