sunjincheng121 commented on a change in pull request #8401: 
[FLINK-12407][python] Add all table operators align Java Table API.

 File path: flink-python/pyflink/table/
 @@ -106,6 +113,344 @@ def where(self, predicate):
         return Table(self._j_table.where(predicate))
+    def group_by(self, fields):
+        """
+        Groups the elements on some grouping keys. Use this before a selection 
with aggregations
+        to perform the aggregation on a per-group basis. Similar to a SQL 
GROUP BY statement.
+        Example:
+        ::
+            >>> tab.group_by("key").select("key, value.avg")
+        :param fields: Group keys.
+        :return: The grouped table.
+        """
+        return GroupedTable(self._j_table.groupBy(fields))
+    def distinct(self):
+        """
+        Removes duplicate values and returns onl
+        Example:
+        ::
+            >>>"key, value").distinct()
+        :return: Result table.
+        """
+        return Table(self._j_table.distinct())
+    def join(self, right, join_predicate=None):
+        """
+        Joins two :class:`Table`s. Similar to a SQL join. The fields of the 
two joined
+        operations must not overlap, use :func:`~pyflink.table.Table.alias` to 
rename fields if
+        necessary. You can use where and select clauses after a join to 
further specify the
+        behaviour of the join.
+        .. note::
+            Both tables must be bound to the same :class:`TableEnvironment` .
+        Example:
+        ::
+            >>> left.join(right).where("a = b && c > 3").select("a, b, d")
+            >>> left.join(right, "a = b")
+        :param right: Right table.
+        :param join_predicate: Optional, the join predicate expression string.
+        :return: Result table.
+        """
+        if join_predicate is not None:
+            return Table(self._j_table.join(right._j_table, join_predicate))
+        else:
+            return Table(self._j_table.join(right._j_table))
+    def left_outer_join(self, right, join_predicate=None):
+        """
+        Joins two :class:`Table`s. Similar to a SQL left outer join. The 
fields of the two joined
+        operations must not overlap, use :func:`~pyflink.table.Table.as_` to 
rename fields if
+        necessary.
+        .. note::
+            Both tables must be bound to the same :class:`TableEnvironment` 
and its
+            :class:`TableConfig` must have null check enabled (default).
+        Example:
+        ::
+            >>> left.left_outer_join(right).select("a, b, d")
+            >>> left.left_outer_join(right, "a = b").select("a, b, d")
+        :param right: Right table.
+        :param join_predicate: Optional, the join predicate expression string.
+        :return: Result table.
+        """
+        if join_predicate is None:
+            return Table(self._j_table.leftOuterJoin(right._j_table))
+        else:
+            return Table(self._j_table.leftOuterJoin(
+                right._j_table, join_predicate))
+    def right_outer_join(self, right, join_predicate):
+        """
+        Joins two :class:`Table`s. Similar to a SQL right outer join. The 
fields of the two joined
+        operations must not overlap, use :func:`~pyflink.table.Table.as_` to 
rename fields if
+        necessary.
+        .. note::
+            Both tables must be bound to the same :class:`TableEnvironment` 
and its
+            :class:`TableConfig` must have null check enabled (default).
+        Example:
+        ::
+            >>> left.right_outer_join(right, "a = b").select("a, b, d")
+        :param right: Right table.
+        :param join_predicate: The join predicate expression string.
+        :return: Result table.
+        """
+        return Table(self._j_table.rightOuterJoin(
+            right._j_table, join_predicate))
+    def full_outer_join(self, right, join_predicate):
+        """
+        Joins two :class:`Table`s. Similar to a SQL full outer join. The 
fields of the two joined
+        operations must not overlap, use :func:`~pyflink.table.Table.as_` to 
rename fields if
+        necessary.
+        .. note::
+            Both tables must be bound to the same :class:`TableEnvironment` 
and its
+            :class:`TableConfig` must have null check enabled (default).
+        Example:
+        ::
+            >>> left.full_outer_join(right, "a = b").select("a, b, d")
+        :param right: Right table.
+        :param join_predicate: The join predicate expression string.
+        :return: Result table.
+        """
+        return Table(self._j_table.fullOuterJoin(
+            right._j_table, join_predicate))
+    def minus(self, right):
+        """
+        Minus of two :class:`Table`s with duplicate records removed.
+        Similar to a SQL EXCEPT clause. Minus returns records from the left 
table that do not
+        exist in the right table. Duplicate records in the left table are 
+        exactly once, i.e., duplicates are removed. Both tables must have 
identical field types.
+        .. note::
+            Both tables must be bound to the same :class:`TableEnvironment`.
+        Example:
+        ::
+            >>> left.minus(right)
+        :param right: Right table.
+        :return: Result table.
+        """
+        return Table(self._j_table.minus(right._j_table))
+    def minus_all(self, right):
+        """
+        Minus of two :class:`Table`s. Similar to a SQL EXCEPT ALL.
+        Similar to a SQL EXCEPT ALL clause. MinusAll returns the records that 
do not exist in
+        the right table. A record that is present n times in the left table 
and m times
+        in the right table is returned (n - m) times, i.e., as many duplicates 
as are present
+        in the right table are removed. Both tables must have identical field 
+        .. note::
+            Both tables must be bound to the same :class:`TableEnvironment`.
+        Example:
+        ::
+            >>> left.minus_all(right)
+        :param right: Right table.
+        :return: Result table.
+        """
+        return Table(self._j_table.minusAll(right._j_table))
+    def union(self, right):
+        """
+        Unions two :class:`Table`s with duplicate records removed.
+        Similar to a SQL UNION. The fields of the two union operations must 
fully overlap.
+        .. note::
+            Both tables must be bound to the same :class:`TableEnvironment`.
+        Example:
+        ::
+            >>> left.union(right)
+        :param right: Right table.
+        :return: Result table.
+        """
+        return Table(self._j_table.union(right._j_table))
+    def union_all(self, right):
+        """
+        Unions two :class:`Table`s. Similar to a SQL UNION ALL. The fields of 
the two union
+        operations must fully overlap.
+        .. note::
+            Both tables must be bound to the same :class:`TableEnvironment`.
+        Example:
+        ::
+            >>> left.union_all(right)
+        :param right: Right table.
+        :return: Result table.
+        """
+        return Table(self._j_table.unionAll(right._j_table))
+    def intersect(self, right):
+        """
+        Intersects two :class:`Table`s with duplicate records removed. 
Intersect returns records
+        that exist in both tables. If a record is present in one or both 
tables more than once,
+        it is returned just once, i.e., the resulting table has no duplicate 
records. Similar to a
+        SQL INTERSECT. The fields of the two intersect operations must fully 
+        .. note::
+            Both tables must be bound to the same :class:`TableEnvironment`.
+        Example:
+        ::
+            >>> left.intersect(right)
+        :param right: Right table.
+        :return: Result table.
+        """
+        return Table(self._j_table.intersect(right._j_table))
+    def intersect_all(self, right):
+        """
+        Intersects two :class:`Table`s. IntersectAll returns records that 
exist in both tables.
+        If a record is present in both tables more than once, it is returned 
as many times as it
+        is present in both tables, i.e., the resulting table might have 
duplicate records. Similar
+        to an SQL INTERSECT ALL. The fields of the two intersect operations 
must fully overlap.
+        .. note::
+            Both tables must be bound to the same :class:`TableEnvironment`.
+        Example:
+        ::
+            >>> left.intersect_all(right)
+        :param right: Right table.
+        :return: Result table.
+        """
+        return Table(self._j_table.intersectAll(right._j_table))
+    def order_by(self, fields):
+        """
+        Sorts the given :class:`Table`. Similar to SQL ORDER BY.
+        The resulting Table is sorted globally sorted across all parallel 
+        Example:
+        ::
+            >>> tab.order_by("name.desc")
+        :param fields: Order fields expression string,
+        :return: Result table.
+        """
+        return Table(self._j_table.orderBy(fields))
+    def offset(self, offset):
+        """
+        Limits a sorted result from an offset position.
+        Similar to a SQL OFFSET clause. Offset is technically part of the 
Order By operator and
+        thus must be preceded by it.
+        :func:`~pyflink.table.Table.offset` can be combined with a subsequent
+        :func:`~pyflink.table.Table.fetch` call to return n rows after 
skipping the first o rows.
+        Example:
+        ::
+            # skips the first 3 rows and returns all following rows.
+            >>> tab.order_by("name.desc").offset(3)
+            # skips the first 10 rows and returns the next 5 rows.
+            >>> tab.order_by("name.desc").offset(10).fetch(5)
+        :param offset: Number of records to skip.
+        :return: Result table.
+        """
+        return Table(self._j_table.offset(offset))
+    def fetch(self, fetch):
+        """
+        Limits a sorted result to the first n rows.
+        Similar to a SQL FETCH clause. Fetch is technically part of the Order 
By operator and
+        thus must be preceded by it.
+        :func:`~pyflink.table.Table.offset` can be combined with a preceding
+        :func:`~pyflink.table.Table.fetch` call to return n rows after 
skipping the first o rows.
+        Example:
+        Returns the first 3 records.
+        ::
+            >>> tab.order_by("name.desc").fetch(3)
+        Skips the first 10 rows and returns the next 5 rows.
+        ::
+            >>> tab.order_by("name.desc").offset(10).fetch(5)
+        :param fetch: The number of records to return. Fetch must be >= 0.
+        :return: Result table.
+        """
+        return Table(self._j_table.fetch(fetch))
+    def window(self, *windows):
+        """
 Review comment:
   We defined the window in Java API as follows:
   GroupWindowedTable window(GroupWindow groupWindow);
   OverWindowedTable window(OverWindow... overWindows);
   Due to the Python is a weak type of language, So we have two away to define 
the window and the over window, one is current PR did, another is using a new 
method name, such as: `window` and `overWindow(over maybe more simple)`.  
Although we should as much as possible to align with the Java API, for using 
friendly, I trend to using a new method for over window (`overWindow`) in 
python API,  And the param and Doc will more clearly. i.e., It's better to 
define the follows methods:
   window(self, group_window): // for group window
   over_window(self, *over_windows): // for over window
   What to do you think? @aljoscha @twalthr @dianfu @hequn8128 @wuchong 

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