jparkie commented on a change in pull request #6782: [FLINK-9083][Cassandra 
Connector] Add async backpressure support to Cassandra Connector

 File path: 
 @@ -43,70 +48,82 @@
 public abstract class CassandraSinkBase<IN, V> extends RichSinkFunction<IN> 
implements CheckpointedFunction {
        protected final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
-       protected transient Cluster cluster;
-       protected transient Session session;
-       protected transient volatile Throwable exception;
-       protected transient FutureCallback<V> callback;
+       // ------------------------ Default Configurations 
+       /**
+        * The default maximum number of concurrent requests. By default, 
{@code Integer.MAX_VALUE}.
+        */
+       public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS = 
+       /**
+        * The default timeout duration when acquiring a permit to execute. By 
default, {@code Long.MAX_VALUE}.
+        */
+       public static final long DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_TIMEOUT = 
+       /**
+        * The default timeout unit when acquiring a permit to execute. By 
default, milliseconds.
+        */
+       public static final TimeUnit 
+       // ------------------------- Configuration Fields 
+       private int maxConcurrentRequests = DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS;
+       private long maxConcurrentRequestsTimeout = 
+       private TimeUnit maxConcurrentRequestsTimeoutUnit = 
+       // --------------------------- Cassandra Fields 
        private final ClusterBuilder builder;
-       private final AtomicInteger updatesPending = new AtomicInteger();
+       protected transient Cluster cluster;
+       protected transient Session session;
+       // ------------------------ Synchronization Fields 
+       private AtomicReference<Throwable> throwable;
+       private Semaphore semaphore;
+       private Phaser phaser;
        CassandraSinkBase(ClusterBuilder builder) {
                this.builder = builder;
                ClosureCleaner.clean(builder, true);
-       @Override
-       public void open(Configuration configuration) {
-               this.callback = new FutureCallback<V>() {
-                       @Override
-                       public void onSuccess(V ignored) {
-                               int pending = updatesPending.decrementAndGet();
-                               if (pending == 0) {
-                                       synchronized (updatesPending) {
-                                               updatesPending.notifyAll();
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       }
+       // ----------------------------- Sink Methods 
+       @Override
+       public void open(Configuration parameters) {
+               cluster = createCluster();
+               session = createSession();
+               throwable = new AtomicReference<>();
+               semaphore = new Semaphore(maxConcurrentRequests);
+               /*
+                * A Phaser is a flexible and reusable synchronization barrier 
similar to CyclicBarrier and CountDownLatch.
+                *
+                * This Phaser is configured to support "1 + N" parties.
+                *   - "1" for the CassandraSinkBase to arrive and to await at 
the Phaser during a flush() call.
+                *   - "N" for the varying number of invoke() calls that 
register and de-register with the Phaser.
+                *
+                * The Phaser awaits the completion of the advancement of a 
phase prior to returning from a register() call.
+                * This behavior ensures that no backlogged invoke() calls 
register to execute while the Semaphore's permits
+                * are being released during a flush() call.
+                */
+               phaser = new Phaser(1) {
 Review comment:
   That's true; a concurrent set of `Future`s would be simpler. I've seen 
implementations of similar code in other OSS that rely on a concurrent 
`TrieMap` to track all the `pendingFutures` before a snapshot. At the snapshot, 
it iterates the `pendingFutures` calling `get()` to block which either returns 
or throws an exception. However, the `Future`s are created in large batches 
with Spark, so this implementation may have caveats in the streaming nature of 
   In Java, if we use a set backed by a `ConcurrentHashMap`, since we rely on a 
semaphore to throttle, we have deterministic behaviour regarding memory 
consumption, and since we can set the `concurrencyLevel` of a 
`ConcurrentHashMap` based on the underlying driver's parallelism, we should 
also have minimal contention on `put()`. The only feature we would miss given 
the streaming and back-pressured nature of Flink, is the Phaser preventing 
invoke() calls backed up on the semaphore from delaying the `flush()`. By 
introducing a flush lock with the `ConcurrentHashMap` and enough testing, it 
should be feasible to replace the `Phaser`. What do you think?
   To your last comment, I originally relied on `Phaser` because the code 
originally used `wait` and `notify`, and I really like what Effective Java 
recommends: "Item 69: Prefer concurrency utilities to wait and notify". I was 
thinking of moving this logic into an abstract component, since Elasticsearch, 
Kafka, and so many other Sinks replicate a variant of the `wait` and `notify` 
logic, but I thought it was beyond scope. I was going to finish this ticket and 
have a follow-up suggesting we generalize this logic for all other sinks.

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