jparkie commented on a change in pull request #6782: [FLINK-9083][Cassandra 
Connector] Add async backpressure support to Cassandra Connector

 File path: 
 @@ -43,70 +48,82 @@
 public abstract class CassandraSinkBase<IN, V> extends RichSinkFunction<IN> 
implements CheckpointedFunction {
        protected final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
-       protected transient Cluster cluster;
-       protected transient Session session;
-       protected transient volatile Throwable exception;
-       protected transient FutureCallback<V> callback;
+       // ------------------------ Default Configurations 
+       /**
+        * The default maximum number of concurrent requests. By default, 
{@code Integer.MAX_VALUE}.
+        */
+       public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS = 
+       /**
+        * The default timeout duration when acquiring a permit to execute. By 
default, {@code Long.MAX_VALUE}.
+        */
+       public static final long DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_TIMEOUT = 
+       /**
+        * The default timeout unit when acquiring a permit to execute. By 
default, milliseconds.
+        */
+       public static final TimeUnit 
+       // ------------------------- Configuration Fields 
+       private int maxConcurrentRequests = DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS;
+       private long maxConcurrentRequestsTimeout = 
+       private TimeUnit maxConcurrentRequestsTimeoutUnit = 
 Review comment:
   Yeah. I thought the constructor would explode too much. Furthermore, I was 
hesitant to introduce a new constructor that conflicted with the existing if 
anyone relied on the package public one.
   However, I like your idea of a config class. I can make one constructor 
accept that and have all the old constructors with a `@deprecated` annotation 
that just delegates to the new one.

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