Github user dawidwys commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -584,21 +581,6 @@ private static void registerFactory(Type t, Class<? 
extends TypeInfoFactory> fac
                                // number of parameters the SAM of implemented 
interface has; the parameter indexing applies to this range
                                final int baseParametersLen = 
    -                           // executable references "this" implicitly
    -                           if (paramLen <= 0) {
    -                                   // executable declaring class can also 
be a super class of the input type
    -                                   // we only validate if the executable 
exists in input type
    -                                   validateInputContainsExecutable(exec, 
    -                           }
    -                           else {
    -                                   final Type input = 
    -                                           exec,
    -                                           lambdaInputTypeArgumentIndices,
    --- End diff --
    If you removed checking the input type info the parameter 
`lambdaInputTypeArgumentIndices` is no longer necessary.


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