Github user tzulitai commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
flink-yarn/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/yarn/ ---
    @@ -142,19 +153,10 @@ public static void runYarnTaskManager(String[] args, 
final Class<? extends YarnT
    -                   SecurityUtils.getInstalledContext().runSecured(new 
Callable<Object>() {
    -                           @Override
    -                           public Integer call() {
    -                                   try {
TaskManager.selectNetworkInterfaceAndRunTaskManager(configuration, resourceId, 
    -                                   }
    -                                   catch (Throwable t) {
    -                                           LOG.error("Error while starting 
the TaskManager", t);
    -                                   }
    -                                   return null;
    -                           }
    -                   });
    +                   if (mainRunner == null) {
    --- End diff --
    Not sure about this.
    This is basically adding a non-production code relevant path in for testing 
purposes (i.e., it is only ever non-null in the `YarnTaskManagerRunnerTest`).
    I think it would be better if we have a `protected createMainRunner(...)` 
method that can be overriden to inject the mock runner dependency for testing.


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